should we expect any updates this weekend?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season should we expect any updates this weekend?

  • This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by sunflower.
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  • #4098120

      filed w/ tt on 1/20 still only one bar, nothing but feb 16 on transcripts

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      • #4098554

          I received an update Saturday morning from received to approved

        • #4098552

            If irs is not open on weekends how will we see update?

          • #4098541

              no updates for me still. maybe tomorrow…..

            • #4098155

                someone on another thread brandy i think
                just said she checked her card and her refund is on it no updates no transcript it just appeared

              • #4098154

                  Not able to see transcripts until this afternoon and around 5 eastern I had deposit on my Netspend Card. No updates on Wmr and still saying topic 152.

                • #4098150

                    I’ve been lurking on here for a few days, I filed on 1/19 and was accepted on 1/20. I was not able to see any transcripts until today, I still have one bar on wmr and no ddd. When I checked my previous years transcripts I realized that I am an 05er. I have a small offset and I called the offset hotline to see if it was still there…. As of today, the debt has been paid and the recording said that the payment came from my refund dated for 2/4, which is Wed. Hope this helps someone.

                  • #4098149

                      @impatientlywaiting my friend has 0405 and got an update sometime today for 2/3 she just checked it after not checking it all day so I’m bot sure when it updated

                    • #4098145

                        I’m sure a lot of people will be seeing updates Sat night.

                      • #4098143

                          For those of us who got into our transcript and have an -0405 cycle days, with 846, then wet absolutely should expect an update!

                        • #4098140

                            I hope so I filed on the 20th and excepted the same day in this waiting is driving me crazy

                          • #4098135

                              I don’t see why not.. Last year I got my DDD on a saturday night/sunday morning

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