Self Employed Refunds?

Home Forums General Discussion 2013 Tax Season Self Employed Refunds?

  • This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Anonymous.
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    • #5054

        Just curious if any self employed filers got refunds yet? I have a daycare, and have for 12 years. I have 2 children, filed head of house hold, accepted on the 30th. I have always gotten my refunds quickly, but was worried that this year would be different. Nothing has ever changed on my returns in the last 12 years, except the births of my children.

        Wmr says processing….and has since the morning of the 31st, and I filed through HRB.

      • #5083

          I have a daycare also, still processing status. Filed 29th accepted on the 30th.

        • #5088

            My husband is a contractor and received a 1099 and is considered self employed. Filed and accepted 1/31. WMR showing nothing. Says info entered is incorrect. We have a bit of a complicated return. 3 dependents, EIC, CTC, mortgage interest, etc. So I am just waiting. Would love to at least see processing on WMR.

          • #5089

              Also Self employed, Filed 29th accepted on the 30th.. Still processing, but I was able to order my transcripts this morning.. Hopefully something soon..

            • #5092

                I am self employed my husband is not. Filed 1-28 accepted 1-29. We have a refund date of 2-6.

              • #5093

                  I am self employed. I filed HOH, 1 kid, eic, and schedule c. I got my dd as of this morning for 2/6

                • #5118

                    I am self-employed. HOH, 2 kids for eic, schedule c. I’m also a student, but I removed my 8863 and will amend once the IRS gets that straightened out. Accepted 1/31 and still processing according to the hotline.

                  • #5124

                      I do my moms taxes, and I did hers around the 25th. She has to file self employment as a hair dresser because her salon doesn’t do taxes or anything and she has to pay them in herself all year and handle it all herself. Anyway, she already got her money. She had a DD of 2/4 and hers posted on Friday. Not sure whats up. She has custody of two of her grandchildren, she officially adopted them, so she was able to claim them. She also had a lot of work related deductions like her hair supplies, booth rental, ect.. I did my own on the 19th with a regular W2 and nada.

                    • #5155

                        I am self employed and claim three children. I got my dd this morning…

                      • #5156

                          Lori, what bank did your mom use?

                        • #5270

                            WMR website down, but just called the 800# and my deposit is sceduled for 2/7..
                            Filed 1/29 Accepted 1/30th Transcripts 2/2
                            HOH, Schedule C, 1 Child, EIC

                          • #5807

                              Just did mine through TT and immediately received hold message as follows:

                              Important Information About Your Tax Return
                              Your federal return is delayed
                              The IRS is not ready to accept tax returns that have certain deductions or credits in them – like yours. Your return will be automatically sent to the IRS as soon as they’re ready to process it. This is a nationwide delay for all returns like yours – no matter who prepares them.

                              Next step: Keep watching your email
                              We’ll send you another message when your return has either been accepted or rejected by the IRS.

                              Did anyone also get this and still able to process?

                            • #16804

                                I am self employed and received the dd this morning and got a refund date too. I am quite happy with it.

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