SBTPG sofi drama

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season SBTPG sofi drama

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  • #4536815

      Does anyone know how long it takes to get a check from SBTPG? It’s looking like I’m going to have to switch from direct deposit to check since sofi is rejecting refunds.

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      • #4537741

          just a update i was told by sofi that my refund was rejected 30 minutes later funds was in my account

        • #4537007

            It’s always the same drama with SBPTG … In 11 years of filing and using SBTPG, there was only 1 year where there was a depositing issue and it was resolved within 24 hours. Today’s a bank holiday. I wouldn’t worry about your deposit unless it isn’t in your account by the 22.

          • #4536967

              Nvm just checked sofi support twitter and up there getting rejected because there being sent with a “business account code” whatever that means but in short they are rejecting all sbptg refunds so looks like yall are getting checks in the mail like the chime ppl

            • #4536966

                The chime ones are literally from there official twitter idk about sofi tho

              • #4536959

                  I’ve checked with sofi themselves and they are in fact rejecting deposits because it’s coded wrong :(

                • #4536948

                    Ppl are saying the same thing about Chime and SBTPG but I’m not going to believe it or worry about it til that happens. This will be my third tax season with Chime and SBTPG and last I checked, banks aren’t in the habit of rejecting ACH transfers. Good luck to all!!!!

                  • #4536932

                      Don’t believe that stuff people are trolls and want the world to burn. Every year someone says that to get people anxious. If you have a ddd just wait it out check that mourning you will be fine

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