SBTPG Issues/Problems

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season SBTPG Issues/Problems

  • This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 months ago by Simplyruw.
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  • #4536812

      Has anyone used SBTPG to take their fees out of their refund THIS year and already received their funds? I heard they have rejected some IRS refunds because of a bank coding problem and if that happens to your refund SBTPG will either send a cashiers check to you or send it back to the IRS. If it goes back to IRS it could be 10-12 weeks to issue you a paper check.

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      • #4539891

          If my DDD 5/1 when can i expect through SBTPT still showing unfunded

        • #4539638
          CB Tax Payer

            IRS tracking tool says my refund was sent on 3/15/24. The SBTPG still has my account as unfunded on 3/30/24. I have called, emailed 5x, and event contacted TurboTax. No response from anyone. Is this normal? When should I expect my refund to be sent?

          • #4537011

              These aren’t rumors. Sofi bank is definitely rejecting refunds. I’m trying to get a hold of SBTPG now and get this resolved before they reject mine.

            • #4537010

                typically, I have my fees taken from my refund and its always SBTPG. I never 1 time got my refund early that way. Always on the exact DDD. This year I paid the fees up front, thank God. I been reading the stories about the bank issues. Thats awful.

              • #4536994

                  Oops I was trying to say the IRS had to pay me interest…. Bc they are only allowed to have our stuff so long before they tell us something and the IRS was shut down for COVID… Their fault not ours 🤷🏻‍♀️

                • #4536993

                    Well that rumor began a couple years ago when it was true bc it took me 2 months to get my check from SBTPG. It sucked bc the year before I had to wait 10 weeks for my refund bc of COVID. It’s had to pay me interest too

                  • #4536870

                      Tracking is correct. You will receive it on the DDD

                    • #4536850

                        Every year there is always a rumor about SBTPG…and I am pretty sure this is the exact rumor. Unless you entered incorrect banking info for your deposit once they take out their fees, everything will be fine. I’ve been filing for over 10 yrs with SBTPG and they are definitely slow, they hold onto the money until the last minute, but it always works out.

                      • #4536823

                          not true

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