rumor about anyone accepted by 1/21

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season rumor about anyone accepted by 1/21

  • This topic has 18 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4092924

      I’m not sure how true this is but apparently anyone accepted by 11am on the 21st should be getting their did on Monday the 26th.

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      • #4093128

          If I am not mistaken we had to have insurance or pay penalties last year as well. So that should already be in their system. Last year they opened season on 1/31 with ddd of 2/6. SO by that logic we should see refunds around 26-27th??

        • #4093127
          jaime l

            mine were accepted on the 13th of this month, i filed on the 7th. WMR has shown one bar since being accepted including today, official tax day. I just filed my husbands at 13:30 tonight and his was accepted within 2 minutes of me submitting it. Everyone is saying possibly the 26th, but how come not possibly the 23rd?? I am pretty sure they only deposit on fridays. my returns were always accepted amd then the following friday i always received my direct deposit.

          • #4093120

              The thing people need to take in to affect that this year they have to check on the Obama care before your taxes can be finalized.

            • #4093118
              Kristi h

                It would be nice, but we all gotta not count our chickens before they hatch.

              • #4093103

                  The updates were on Tuesday am and Saturday am for my return last year. I was in the first batch of 2/6 deposits. Happy Tax Season

                • #4093102

                    dpage I agree. Last year the irs did not start processing returns until the end of January, the 31st. During that time the DDDs first given was 2-6-2014, a week from irs start date. This year the tax season started 10 days earlier from last year. Which as I predict DDDs will be given for the 26th or at least for the 27th which is a week after the irs start date. This is just my theory though.

                  • #4093101

                      From unofficial refund cycle charts, it states that the first ddd would be 2/5. This is why everyone is saying that.

                    • #4093100

                        why are some ppl saying the 1st dd are going to b feb 5-6 & some ppl saying 26-27. if the 1st dd went out last year 6-7 days after irs opening day wouldnt it b the same this year which wud put 1st ddd at jan 26-26 not feb 5-6 what is anybodys thoughts on that

                      • #4093069

                          I am hoping for a early dd this year as well. Last year I had a DD on the 6th of febuary. I submitted my taxes today and they were accepted.

                        • #4093067

                            I think WMR had 2 updates per week with DDD’s last year (I don’t remember which nights). If I remember right, the opening day and next day acceptances (including test batches) are in the first set of DDD’s – as long as all is well with the return.

                          • #4093064

                              The WMR normally changes on Friday night, is this correct?

                            • #4093009

                                @Sam, while tax preparers certainly do just that, if wmr says you are accepted, you are accepted. The IRS accepted my return on the 16th, I filed with TT the 14th. So, whether simply as a test or not, the IRS has officially accepted several returns before the 20th.

                                As far as time frames, if the first date last year was the 6th, and they opened the 30th, wouldn’t that mean this year the earliest DDD would be the 27th?

                              • #4092990

                                  I was accepted by IRS on the 13th. Anyway, if it is like last year when I was accepted early we got our refund in the 1st DD on 2/6. If it goes like last year I am looking for a 1/27 DDD. Good luck all!

                                • #4092983

                                    The irs ALWAYS transmits several tests batches before the acceptance date. It does NOT process them though. In the last 2 years, I was always part of the test batch. Not this year, I still did mine on the 15th, but didn’t get accepted until today. Just because it accepted your return early, you WILL NOT get a refund sooner. You will get it at the same time as everyone else. The irs accepts returns, but they need to be processed and approved by the date on the cycle chart, in order to get your refund on the date listed.

                                  • #4092979

                                      They did a test run and accepted a soimereturns before today, they just wasn’t getting processed today, I was accepted on the 16th

                                    • #4092970

                                        The IRS did not accept any returns before January 20. Your tax provider received your returned and held it until today.

                                      • #4092929

                                          There is a timeline floating around apparently from the IRS website I believe

                                        • #4092926

                                            We’re is that rumor started. Mine was accepted on the 12th still no ddd

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