Return Processing Has Been Delayed Message

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Return Processing Has Been Delayed Message

  • This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 6 months ago by Babygirl.
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  • #4537851 Reply
    Boy Momma 13

      Good morning all! I checked WMR and received the message:
      We apologize, but your return processing has been delayed beyond the normal timeframe.
      I filed 2/1/23 via TT, EIC and ACTC. I called today since it’s the 21st day. They said I was randomly selected for additional review. They said if I don’t receive anything in 2 weeks to call back. My IRS account shows no 2023 return filed. No notifications or letters mailed and my transcripts are blank except an as of date of 2/26 (which doesn’t mean anything. Super frustrated. Anyone else experience this? Nothing has changed on my return for the last 10 years….

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      • #4539535 Reply

          I own my own small business and I am just starting to learn how to do my business end of my taxes as an employee because I am now ready to start to hire people to work for me and so I filed my taxes as a w2 paid employee and now my taxes are on hold it but the amounts haven’t changed it’s just 570 and 971 sorry your taxes are taking longer than expected with no information and said notice sent with a future date of 4/1 what the heck is all this

        • #4538364 Reply

            I received the same message this morning. Transcripts updated to codes 570 only last week update. I am a weekly, I filed 2/2/2024 with all child credits. As of date on my transcripts is 03/11… Hopefully I see a change this coming week update

          • #4538360 Reply

              E filed and have done turbo tax the same way for 8 years. Submitted and accepted on 2/1/24. I don’t have eic but I do have the child tax credit and a small business. Mine has been 26 days and last year only took 21!!

            • #4538081 Reply

                I filed on 1-31 at 7pm
                Accepted 1-31 at 710pm
                I have no EIC or CTC
                Schedule C only
                My IRS account page shows no letters at all
                I have bottom 2 transcripts 2023 blank with a as of processing date of 2-26-24 with no codes either
                Top 2 transcripts are N/A

                WMR is saying delay message
                It’s never took this long before

                I just checked my transcript and got a 846 DDD of 2-28-24… it’s never ever took this long…. But I’m glad it’s over

              • #4538074 Reply

                  Same! I filed 3 weeks ago just got a message today that return processing time has been delayed beyond the normal time limit what is that!!!!!!

                • #4537914 Reply

                    Same situation here. Got a delayed message a few days ago, been 22 days now. No EIC, ACTC. Just a normal return with 2 kids (same for the last 12 years now). I’ll probably call tomorrow if transcripts haven’t updated but at this point, I’m not holding my breath.

                  • #4537868 Reply

                      I got the same thing. I called yesterday and was told it could take up to 45 days.

                    • #4537867 Reply

                        I’m in the same boat. I’m too scared to call. Lol I don’t have any notices or balances and my transcripts still say n/a. I have the same as of date too. I’m going to wait for an update tomorrow morning.

                      • #4537866 Reply

                          @Boy Momma 13

                          I’m in the same boat. Filed 2/2 accepted same day. I received the delayed message on WMR Sunday morning. I haven’t called yet because I’m usually weekly so I’m waiting till tomorrow to see if I receive any update on transcripts.

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