Refunds available through NetSpend

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Refunds available through NetSpend

  • This topic has 18 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Meeee.
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  • #4095015

      My Best Friend just received notification that the IRS deposited at 9:45 pm. She filed on 1/16 and was accepted 1/20! They are coming! Now I just have to be patient for mine haha

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      • #4095161

          I also received my refund last night I filed the 10th got accepted the 14th & wmr never changed from the accepted bar, still has not changed. I used netspend.

        • #4095138

            I believe that SBBT is only for Turbo Tax..

          • #4095081

              I went through, I had the $35 taken from my refund. Does SBBT have anything to do in my situation?

            • #4095071

                Leslie- She didn’t have fees as she made under a certain amount, so it went right to her card not through SBBT

              • #4095063

                  Just want to give everyone some hope. I just received my tax return on my Netspend card at 10:36 p.m. EST

                  01/27/15 Credit: Direct Deposit from TCS TREAS 449 for TAX REF

                • #4095061

                    If I don’t get mine before next week, then I will have to look into netspend (whatever that is) for next year.

                  • #4095050
                    Leslie M

                      @Dj, Did your friend have her fees deducted from her refund?

                    • #4095047

                        This was the text she got.. I don’t know how to do screenshots…I know I know I am an old lady (33 but still)

                        I just got this: NetSpend: $1,240.03 available after $1,236.00 Direct Deposit load from IRS TREAS 310 on 01/27 Text HELP to 22622 for info
                        2015/01/27 09:44:15pm

                      • #4095046

                          U might get yours on Monday

                        • #4095045

                            Okay need some opinions. I filed through TT on 1/17 and approved on 1/20. I had my fees deducted from my refund so it will have to go through SBBT. I also am having it deposited on a paypal prepaid (netspend) card. Anyone I’m a similar situation received their refund yet?

                          • #4095043

                              I am not kidding! I won’t play with emotions.. I cried because I didn’t do Netspend this year lol… I am East Coast. She filed through Turbo Tax.

                            • #4095042

                                I have netspend and nothing has been put on my card yet. I pulled my transcripts today and had a cycle # 20150402 and the 846 code that they refunded. Is netspend still sending deposits through the night?

                              • #4095035

                                  yes, what coast???

                                • #4095034

                                    Any of you pay turbo tax using your refund?

                                  • #4095032

                                      Omg congrats hun!!

                                    • #4095028

                                        shesings78 – he is right . I just received refund at 9:48pm. Able to order transcripts today as well.

                                      • #4095027

                                          I might be real skeptical, if it weren’t for the fact that Netspend users seemed to get it two days earlier last year too.

                                          Big congrats to your friend, DJ.

                                        • #4095022

                                            Listen Dj do not play with my emotions like that! I was just informed that my financial aid will be delayed another 2 weeks so I am in NO MOOD Sir or Ma’am! Lol. ..but really?? Are you serious?? What coast are you on?

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