Refund Offsets

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Refund Offsets

  • This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anne.
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  • #4096954

      I found out I have a federal tax offset, so it will take longer to process my return. Anyone have any idea as to how long it will take them to refund the remainder? I was originally scheduled to get a deposit on Friday, Jan. 30

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      • #4097419


          This is the number I called to find out if I had an offset (I did). I do not know if there is a code on the transcript. There very well could be but I am not aware of it.

          Have Questions about an Offset?

          Toll Free: (800) 304-3107


          MY DETAILS:
          I had an offset due to over payment on unemployment and I also live in California!

          Received my refund on Green Dot: January 30 @ 12 am PST.

          Filed Turbo Tax: January 8
          Accepted: January 12
          Received Transcripts: January 27
          Cycle: 20150402
          SBBT Received Funds: January 28
          DDD: January 30

        • #4097417

            Have Questions about an Offset?

            Toll Free: (800) 304-3107


          • #4097410

              How do you know if you have an offset? Is there a code on the transcript?

            • #4097208

                I thought I had one ..called yesterday and it states I owed nothing and thn today it states information is not available! ??? Help

              • #4096987

                  I just found out today that I have an offset from my state. I called them and found out the amount, and she said it shouldn’t delay my refund, but that it takes about 10 days to get to the debtor’s agency. A couple of days ago when I checked, I had no offsets. The lady with the state agency said it “may” affect my federal refund, but it may not. So I’m wondering if it’s on the offset line, if it will definitely be taken? I’m assuming it will, but will be pleasantly surprised if it isn’t. My state refund will be enough to cover it, so either way it will be paid thankfully.

                • #4096968

                    I have a tax debt… I’m guessing that’s a bit different than an offset. I should have a substantial refund after the debt is paid. I’m just waiting now. Accepted 1/21 and have scripts… Just waiting for the TC846 and DDD.

                  • #4096962

                      I have an offset and my DDD is tomorrow too. The IRS paid off my offset a few nights ago and my remaining funds are in the SBBT waiting to be deposited today. So you should not have to wait!! I filed through turbo tax and had my funds put on a green dot card. Hope this helps.

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