Refund freeze code 810?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Refund freeze code 810?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Shanni.
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  • #4097676

      Hi I am finally able to view my transcript and it says refund freeze code 810. Does anyone know what that means? It also gives me a cycle date of 20150405. U know that’s ddd for Monday. But am I getting a dd or are they keeping it for some reason? Please help!

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      • #4107454

          Any updates? ?

        • #4098292

            So if you have a 810 freeze code do you still get any money?? State federal anything??

          • #4097832

              Man, I hope so. My 2011 script updated last night to reflect the tax debt as paid. A day after WMR updated. Good thing is the debt is paid. No more monthly payments!!

            • #4097817

                Offsets will not hold up your refund. You should get your at midnight or tomorrow. Elle.

              • #4097715

                  I was accepted 1/21 and have been able to view my scripts since Monday. I have a fed tax offset and WMR updated Wednesday to TAX TOPIC 201 and the obligation has been paid. My scripts don’t reflect the offset and they are normal scripts– no funky codes or anything. I’m just missing the magic 846 to release my refund. My cycle is 20150403 and process date is 2-16-2015. Anyone know if fed tax offsets delay refunds substantially??

                • #4097711

                    Examination related freeze codes are listed below. Refer to IRM, Freeze Codes Procedures, for information on working these freezes. Account action may be restricted.

                    -E: TC 810 hold

                    -L: Open Examination Indicator

                    P-: Refund Cancellation

                    -Q: Unallowable Refund Freeze

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