Question about info needed for transcript

Home Forums General Discussion 2021 Tax Season Question about info needed for transcript

  • This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 3 years ago by TaxMan.
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  • #4459551

      Hey guys I am sorry for adding to the TS questions. I was wondering before I jump through all the hoops and get my student loan account number do I have to have a phone in my name? Does it ask for more info after the account numbers are entered?

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      • #4459642

          Kclovesken, in all my years I have not been able to answer that question. It is randomized to the best of my knowledge.

        • #4459639

            @Taxman thank you for the info. I was wondering though how or what makes you go into one category or another.

          • #4459594
            rip kobe


              Are u talking about logging in to see ur transcripts? Because I haven’t ever been able to see mine. Ever. Even though I put in my account info they say I still can’t be verified or some stupid ass shit. Are u saying I can get a code text to me? And I use that code to see my stuff?

            • #4459582

                I downloaded the IRS app, which gives you a security code that you can input instead of getting a cell text code to login. I cant remember though if I had to initially get a texted code before using the app’s security code.

              • #4459581
                rip kobe

                  Is it better to be a weekly or daily?

                • #4459565

                    There are cycle codes that will show up on your transcripts, see below:

                    Cycle Code Ending in 01= Friday
                    Cycle Code Ending in 02= Monday
                    Cycle Code Ending in 03= Tuesday
                    Cycle Code Ending in 04= Wednesday
                    Cycle Code Ending in 05= Thursday

                    The code ending in 05 is guaranteed to be a weekly. The best way to determine other than that is to go by the day you have received your refunds in previous years. If you typically receive refunds on Wednesday, you are weekly.

                  • #4459561

                      Ok thanks guys :0)
                      Also does anyone know what makes you weekly vs daily?

                    • #4459559

                        You have to have a phone number that they can verify for you. It does not need to be a contract (straighttalk and such will work). You just have to have a phone number in general that they can send a text code to.

                      • #4459556

                          Yes you have to have a phone in your name for them to verify

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