
Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season pregnancy/stillbirth

  • This topic has 11 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by laydee.
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  • #4092896

      Is there a special refund or extra money for a person that was pregnant or had a baby full term that didn’t make it (stillborn) we still had hospital and funeral bills

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      • #4093124

          Im so sorry fir ur lost i was able to cmaim my daughter and she lived for three wks u must have a social or if not write died on the line and attach proof of birth

        • #4093080

            Same here, son stillborn 9-2003. I am really sorry for your loss. I would think you could deduct funeral costs.. sending hugs

          • #4093063

              I’m so sorry for your loss. I am also a loss mom.

              There are two issues here. First, are the medical costs more than 10% of your income? If so, you can itemize the deductions.

              Second, did the child live at all, outside the womb? If they were born alive and died, you can claim them as a dependent. If you did not receive a SSN, you write DIED in the space and the attach a certified copy of the birth and death certificate. That is ONLY if they are considered a live birth by local standards. Disgusting, I know…

              You can also itemize funeral expenses. That includes cremation and the burial plot.

            • #4092986

                I had a daughter that passed at one month, the man at HR Block told me I could claim her for the entire year….she had a social security number though. Sorry for your loss, I know what you are going through.

              • #4092963

                  So sorry for your loss, my nephew was born stillborn as well. From what the CSR told her she could not claim the child. We could however, deduct medical and funeral expenses. As these were more than the standard deduction. Also if the child was alive long enough to obtain a social then possibly but since he was not alive when born it wasn’t possible. So sorry again for your loss. It’s not a easy thing to lose a child so hard. So sorry.

                • #4092943

                    Stillborn child. You cannot claim an exemption for a stillborn child.
                    From the IRS Site and PUB 501 for dependency

                  • #4092942

                      I am so sorry to hear of your loss!

                      If your child was stillborn, you can not claim him/her as a dependent. Had s/he lived, even for a short time, you could have. But unfortunately, that is not the case if the child was stillborn.

                      You can choose to itemize and deduct eligible expenses (such as medical). However, most people do not have enough deductions when itemizing to be worth more than the standard deductions, thus it likely will not be beneficial for you to itemize but definitely consult someone for educated input.

                    • #4092934

                        Yes you can. I was able to carry my son born 2 months early and passed away 15 mins after birth. I do taxes.

                      • #4092921

                          First , I’m deeply sorry and definitely understand your pain. I lost my daughter at 5 months , 2 and a half years ago and I was able to claim her on my taxes. When you file it ask if the person passed away that year. Sorry if it’s too personal but has the child recieved a ssn ? That makes the question easier to answer.

                        • #4092902
                          Kristi h

                            For example, I’ve had five miscarriages. But I was never allowed to claim the child as a dependent, because the children were not born and living.

                          • #4092901
                            Kristi h

                              First off I’m extremely sorry for your loss. Unfortunately in terms of taxes, children are only counted as a deduction if they are living by December 31 of that tax year. You may be able to itemize the sales tax of the funeral, but as for being able to get any sort of earned income credit, You would not be able to.

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