Post DD date and SBBT funds received date to track

Home Forums General Discussion 2013 Tax Season Post DD date and SBBT funds received date to track

  • This topic has 11 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by PB1023.
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  • #5248

      Lets see when people start getting there sbbt account charged.

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      • #23947

          Your RT account information is not available through CISC. For information regarding your account, please contact our customer support center at (877) 908-7228.

        • #15513
          Roxy,victim of CP05 hell…

            Well IM not sure if I was one of those that was mentioned in this article but I do know IM finally seeing something besides still processing here is my journey :
            Filed and accepted 2/1
            Processing W 1 orange bar till 2/18 when it changed to still processing I called and was told I was being reviewed n would recurve a letter…waited and waited received letter 2/28 saying cp05 and wait n do nothing…
            2/21 I hired a tax advocate ( which was a complete waste of time she had the wrong area code for my number and tried to call me and I obviously missed the call and then had to wait for her to send a letter out and wait 2 weeks before I have a contact date which would have been tomorrow but I checked WMR today and HAVE A DD OF 3/14

          • #5968

              filed via taxslayer 1/17 was accepted on 01/30 approved and given dd of 02/06 on 02/02 finally ay 3 am this morning irs wmr says dd sent 02/06 but here it is 02/07 at 1pm and SBBT says they havent received anything yet!?!?

            • #5924

                DD date: 2/8
                SBBT Funds received date: 2/7

                My timeline this year ;

                -Filed via TurboTax 2/1 (Around 5Pm EST)
                -Fedewral Accepted 2/1 (Around 5:10PM EST)
                -WMR Site showed ‘Processing’ from 2/1-2/5
                -Ordered transcript 2/5 (around 1:30PM EST) – successful on first try.
                -WMR site showed ‘Approved’ 2/6 (around 10AM EST)
                -Santa Barbara Bank rec’d funds on 2/7 (around 9:30AM EST)

                …waiting on the funds to be deposited onto my Walmart prepaid card that states the money is made available to me as soon as they receive it. We shall see I suppose.

                Good luck y’all!

              • #5528

                  DD date: 2/5
                  SBBT Funds received date: 2/4

                • #5513

                    @whittney that’s my mom, was trying to get info on her too

                  • #5507

                      I’m a 2/5er- Funds sent to SBBT, however, nothing posted yet to Chase.

                    • #5501

                        My dd date was 2/6 but I got my DD on to my NetSpend card on 2 / 3 at 930 p.m. and funds were available at that time for me to use

                      • #5481

                          Blh146 I thought you were under review? Did that change?

                        • #5480

                            Showing in sbbt acct now, however my date is 2/5 so im sure it will post to boa about 4am tomorrow. This is the same as last year :)

                          • #5277
                            Twin Mommy

                              My DD was 2/4 but my refund was on SBBT 2/1 and it posted to my Chase acct around 11pm on 2/1.

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