Please read! Verify ID OR RETURN!

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Please read! Verify ID OR RETURN!

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  • #4537072

      So I just seen on some groups if you have a code 150 on your transcripts the 14 digit number to verify is actually on them! Now unfortunately for me I don’t have a dang thing on mine but I’m hoping this helps! This entire time I thought I had to verify my ID but it’s been the return the whole time. I’ve not received a letter but I’m going to call first thing tomorrow no matter how long I have to wait!

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      • #4537329

          @Refund2024. TY

        • #4537323

            @wolf going forward for future tax seasons, please sign up for an IP Pin. This will avoid anymore identity verification hiccups you may run into. Due to the increased amount of tax fraud more people are being randomly pulled to verify their identity. Having an IP gets you passed any verification questions as that assures them 100% it was you that filed the return.

          • #4537321

              @Refund2024. Agree. They are not allowing me to complete this action they requested back on 1/27. I deal with other Gov agencies. If they request something from me, I don’t wait a month. It’s unreal that I can’t fix this.

            • #4537317

                @wolf unfortunately once they send a letter they will keep giving you the run around and refuse to offer any real help over the phone. You can get a local tax advocate who you would be able to call personally and give you real updates on what’s going on with your refund. But calling the general IRS helpline will be worthless.

              • #4537314

                  I have had the dang message to verify since 1/27. They say they mailed 2 letters weeks ago, never got them. I have already waited a month. Today they said wait 2 more weeks. For what? They won’tlet me verify without the letter. No local tax office for in-person within 100 miles. So now what? Nothing like the IRS telling me, “Sorry, I don’t know”.

                • #4537277

                    I held for 16 minutes this morning. After all the questions she said that was just to see if the letter was sent. She was it should be here today which I told her I have informed delivery and knew it wasn’t coming. At this point I don’t know what to do. I guess if I don’t update this week I’ll call again. Tomorrow is past the 21 day mark.

                  • #4537267

                      I have called the IRS 3 times tjis season, and every time I waited no more then 10 mins, so hopefully it’ll be quick for you!!!

                    • #4537253
                      Kaitlyn Martin

                        I called and they let me verify my identity over the phone with a bunch of questions. Now it’s waiting time! Anyone know how long it’ll actually take to get the refund?

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