Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season PLEASE HELP UNDERSTAND TRASNSCRIPT

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 10 years ago by Offtherecord.
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  • #4094912

      on my transcript it days code 846 refund issued & then the amount there are minus signs in front of the amounts for w2 withholding, credit to yr acount, & eic, but no minus sign in front of refund issued amount. then when u scoll down to the page that says payments on top where it says refund amount & bal due/over pymt there are minus signs in front of the amount & it says form 8888 total refund per computer $0.00 under where it says refund amount $-2,413 with the minus sign. is the minus sign saying someone took my refund like sn offset or ate they supposed to have a minus sign in the one spot but no minus sign in the code 846 refund issued spot. i know this is confusing im just worried i had an offset & thats what the minus sign means

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      • #4094943

          You should not have a minus sign across from code 846 refund issued. It should just be your refund amount without a minus

        • #4094940

            Yes that means they took your refund if you have a minus sign by the amount. Call the offset line at 800-304-3107 it will tell you about your debt, if it was taken and who took it.

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