Path act update

Home Forums General Discussion 2017 Tax Season Path act update

  • This topic has 32 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Aaron.
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  • #4172402

      At midnight eastern time my wmr changed from the path act message to just a “your return has been received and is being processed” no ddd filed 1/23 accepted same day child credit and earned income credit…hmm

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      • #4174225

          I’m afraid I may be opening myself up to a never ending barrage of comments from people, but I work as a Data Transcriber for the IRS out of Kansas City, MO. Part of my role is to review flagged returns to see what steps, if any, need to be taken before they can be processed.

          I cannot vouch for any specific individuals who voice their experiences on this forum, but I can confirm that taxpayers who claimed EIC/ACTC who have already been approved (which is a very high % of people who were accepted by 2/4) will see DD projections of 2/20-2/24 when the WMR? portal is updated early AM this Saturday. It’s also true that depending on the financial institution you bank with, that you could see your deposit pending since 2/16 and even receive your deposit on 2/17.

          Yes, 2/27 is a padded date to try and eliminate thousands of repetitious calls tying up call centers that are also serving inquiries by taxpayers who were informed they needed to call to provide further information, etc. Just know that hundreds of millions of dollars have already left the treasury and are in transit.

          The public relations department of the IRS takes several steps to ensure a consistent message is delivered to taxpayers, so if you are actually able to ease past the scripted responses you are receiving, and being told a deposit is projected for 2/22, I think you should believe them, as they are going outside the bounds of protocol because they, I don’t know, morally disagree with keeping people in the dark?

          I see practically everyone on here going silent this Saturday because you will have been provided with a date (if you filed by 2/4). For all of you who see this as a shit show this year because of PATH ACT, you are absolutely right, on your side and on the side of the IRS. Not well managed at all.

        • #4174212

            Had path act. Updated on. 2/16 to received and processing. Checked my bank account and my money is pending in my account. Wmf did not say approved or sent just received and processing. Filed on 2/2/17

          • #4173835
            Pissed off US citizen

              Jeez this is bull sh#t y cant the IRS just put the bars back on instead of it just saying processing.This year is just a screwed up year already.

            • #4173640

                I called h and r block. The automated system said IRS has finished processing my return. I talked with a live agent and they said IRS projected date says the 17th of FEB. IRS website had path act now says processing but hr say federal has finished processing

              • #4173525

                  I spoke with an IRS representative this morning and she was very pleasant. She looked through my return and told me that I didn’t have any holds but I did have an offset. She couldn’t tell me the amount but stated that it would not delay my refund. She also mentioned that i should be receiving my refund within a week or so. So I’m thinking its approved just hasn’t been released yet. Fingers cross and hoping to have it by Next a Wednesday 😁😁😁😁

                • #4173429

                    I just spoke with the IRS. They told me I do infact have the 846 code now. My file date 1/21 1/23 accepted 1/24 Path message wmr updated last night to return is being processed. Cycle date of 20170403. And she said my release date was 2/22. Anyone have any idea of about how long until I see some money?

                  • #4173403

                      Mine is saying the same thing. I no longer have the path message!

                    • #4173316

                        I agree with Kim..i believe my date will be 2\22 as well an will update again on feb 18th… I have explained it in a few threads 27th is a projected date to have it to u..thats all money doesn’t take long to transfer..but some banks hold some don’t u have weekends holiday its a time frame an it will happen before that jus 😃 smile were all good most of us..u haven’t gotten a letter msg to call i wouldn’t worry they can’t take whats yours…

                      • #4173317

                          I agree with Kim..i believe my date will be 2\22 as well an will update again on feb 18th… I have explained it in a few threads 27th is a projected date to have it to u..thats all money doesn’t take long to transfer..but some banks hold some don’t u have weekends holiday its a time frame an it will happen before that jus 😃 smile were all good most of us..u haven’t gotten a letter msg to call i wouldn’t worry they can’t take whats yours…

                        • #4173281

                            From what I am hearing, The Where’s My Refund tool will update the 18th and most of us affected by the PATH law will see our deposit dates on there.

                          • #4172913

                              Chill people…I bet you will all get updated with your DDD overnight Saturday. I am pretty sure my DDD will say 2/22/17 as I always get my refund on Wednesdays and my processing date says 2/20/17

                            • #4172824

                                Back to processing, at least tomorrow is payday :) maybe I’ll have my refund by my bday 3/9, that’ll be nice…

                              • #4172803
                                Daniel Tolliver

                                  Same here updated to received
                                  and still processing

                                • #4172787
                                  Scott Forster

                                    @digg5779 I don’t have EITC or ACTC either. I filed on 1/30, and I don’t even have a PATH message, just Return Received and the standard 9 out of 10 and 21 days crap along with tax topic 152 on mine…

                                  • #4172782

                                      Mine too says still processing. Check my online transcript and it remains the same no code 846.

                                    • #4172768

                                        Good morning
                                        My PATH message updated to processing. I have both credits. On my transcript it says processing date 2/20/2017. Is that my DDD?

                                      • #4172765

                                          I just pulled up my transcript and it now has a 846 Refund issued and 3/6/2017. I have a processing date of 2/20 with a code of 20170505.. it’s funny how when you owe the IRS they pull no stops to get their money, but when they are the ones that owe it’s a waiting game. I understand the why but this has been horrible.

                                        • #4172760

                                            I don’t even have EITC or ACTC so I don’t know how I got caught up in this PATH madness! Instead of receiving a DDD last Saturday, I received this stupid PATH crap and I’m still waiting. This lets me know that this PATH debacle needs to be changed. I’ve seen several cases online where people who didn’t have those credits got caught in the PATH net. This lets me know that the system has glitches so if it can’t even process a regular return without the credits, how the heck is it doing its job….just my two cents!!

                                          • #4172747

                                              Same here ” received and being processes”.
                                              I wish this Path Act law would change. I defenetly agree IRS needs to stop fraud, but how about the honest tax payers that claim EITC . they need a system that can separate
                                              ” the good, the bad, and the ugly”, so that our refunds cab be released sooner. Hopeful changes are made in the years to come.

                                            • #4172671

                                                Mine too!

                                              • #4172588

                                                  This is just like the irs said some will see your return is being processed and some will have a DDD.But the way it talked everyone will know something for sure on the Feb 18.

                                                • #4172587

                                                    Mine too this is bs no topic code or anything they could give us more and Atleast our bars back now that we waited from this path bs we get this one sentence 👿👿👿

                                                  • #4172570

                                                      Mine updated to. Same message amount is back but no tax topic.

                                                    • #4172546

                                                        Mine did as well! Hopefully that is a good thing:)

                                                      • #4172530

                                                          Mine too!!

                                                        • #4172520

                                                            Mine says the same. “Received and is being processed “

                                                          • #4172519

                                                              I have the same thing well had the same thing “we received have received your tax return and it is being processed ” I checked it again now it’s back to path SMH

                                                            • #4172514

                                                                Mine too fingers crossed it’s a good thing

                                                              • #4172513


                                                                  Mine update to that as well. Refund amount is back on the side too. Hopefully another update later.

                                                                • #4172510
                                                                  The Other Kat

                                                                    Mine now says, “We have received your tax return and it is being processed.” Amount’s back as well.

                                                                    Filed 1/22
                                                                    Accepted 1/23
                                                                    PATH notice since 1/28

                                                                  • #4172501

                                                                      No change for me just checked still have path act msg.At least something is happening for some people.

                                                                    • #4172481
                                                                      Always Unhappy at Tax Time :(

                                                                        Mine updated also. Hoping for a ddd after 6 :)

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