Paper Checks… no news

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Paper Checks… no news

  • This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4102543

      Everyone who contacted me or replied to some of my comments about paper check.
      I fudged up my acct number and didn’t recheck it… so I got rejected. SBBT mailed my check out Monday, I guess I was
      being a little to impatient, praying it would get here today. UGH! Bout to give up if I don’t get it by Saturday, I am going to scream!!!
      I live in GA as well. If filed on 1/20 approved on 1/27 DDD 2/2 (latest) SBBT got my funds 1/29 and released 1/29 and my money was sent back Sunday.
      Check was mailed Monday, supposedly.

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      • #4109898

          6-8 weeks would be nice, my letter says 8-10 weeks

        • #4103568

            Ain’t it… Before dds were hitting on cards, people were getting paper checks…. crazy. GOSH I hope it comes soon.. I am just not comfortable with that amount of money just being anywhere… ya know? So many scandalous people out there these days…. UGH!

          • #4103529

              I talked to hr block yesterday they said they issued me a check on 2/2. when I did not get anything in mail i called back today now they say another 2 weeks. So if people our getting there paper checks in a week after ddd rejected feel yourself lucky

            • #4103412

                It will not take 6-8 week LOL!
                Secondly… people are getting their checks within 2 weeks of their money being rejected, IF the money is coming from the IRS.
                Also, MY check will take up to 5 days to get here from SBBT. As my money was returned over the weekend, and they issued a check Monday 2/2.
                No check today, but I didn’t think it would come, I knew Saturday when they cut the check, but hell it could be Monday for all I know. It’s the first of the month and the mail is always slower at this time.
                I know that the IRS is telling people 6-8 weeks, but that is what they have to say, because they cannot tell you exactly when you get it, especially snail mail.

              • #4103322

                  To all who are waiting for paper check-NO it will not take six to eight weeks-look for it in less than week.

                • #4103308

                    Same thing here entered wrong account number ddd 2/4/15 IRS says 4-6 weeks to receive check! Im going crazy trying to wait!

                  • #4103069

                      I had the same issue, refund date 4th, messed up account number. I have no fees to be taken out so the sbbt website won’t work for me. The irs is tellin fb me 6-8 weeks for a paper check. Can anyone give me some insight. 2 months is a long time to wait.. i

                    • #4103043

                        Filed on 1/20 accepted 1/20 with a refund date of 2/3 my check was mailed on the 3rd and i got it yesterday good luck to everyone still waiting your day is coming

                      • #4102601

                          same thing here I just talked to hr block they mailed mine out monday also. I hope I get it tomorrow

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