Paper Check

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Paper Check

  • This topic has 6 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4094526

      Ok, So I filled 01/22/15 and today was able to view and order transcripts with a code of 20150402. I know the money is coming to me, but I had to do it old school and had to get a paper check this year vs. DD since my name had to be on fiancés bank account. My question is, does any one know how long it takes to get that paper check once its been mailed?

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      • #4103319

          I filed on Jan. twenty first, accepted same day and got message that it will be mailed by Feb. third and that is the exact date they mailed it. It has not arrived as of yet but I am praying it comes today-the sixth. I live near Detroit and it is coming from Phil. so hopefully the three days is enough –will update if it comes today

        • #4102166

            I am going through the same thing! UGGHH!! I wish I would have checked my acct info before my refund went in!! But SBBT mailed mine 2/2 and so I am expecting today no later than tomorrow. Saturday is the last day it could be here. I am clicking the notify me button.. I will keep everyone posted. My mail doesn’t run til 2 pm EST. :( I also live in GA, right off the FL line.. no snow storms near me.. THANK GOD!

          • #4101908

              Turbo tax did the sAme thing to me- my account number and routing are x’ed out on return and my refund was switched to check to be mailed by 2/6!!! So annoying!!! I did ask them about it and they refunded the 34.99$ I had to pay to upgrade

            • #4101441

                My wmr shows it was mailed yesterday the 3rd which was my date the whole time. TT messed up and didn’t process my bank info so they mailed a check. Since today says sent I’ll update when I get it. Hope you get yours soon also

              • #4100978

                  Is it mailed by the date given? Mine said mailed by Feb 3rd?

                • #4094604

                    It will take as long as any other first class mail would…in most of the country, unless you’re very rural or have weather like the snowstorms on the East Coast right now that would delay the mails, two to three days from the day it is mailed.

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