
Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season overcharge

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  • #4093575
    pat m

      I heard on the news today people that used turbo tax were overcharged and they were going to refund that money back.

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      • #4093595

          They were going to charge me 149.00 for my taxes this year but I ended up passing because 149.00 for a simple return?!? When in store it’s not nearly that much!! It was the new feature they had this year called TT pro. I thought hmmmm that may work until… I heard the price, plus audit protection plus fees for their bank… Import fee from last year even though I used them last year?!?!? It was looking to be upwards of 300.00…

        • #4093591

            Geez they are making it right, give them some credit.

          • #4093590

              I was wondering the same mine was $112 this year

            • #4093581

                Oh wow, it’s just horrible how these companies like to rip hard workers off. I think I can recall last year TT and several other companies were apart of an investigation or a law suit from predatory tax prep practices. I really hope they give the money back to its customers.

              • #4093579

                  Pat….I thought the pricing was high this year, I am glad to see I am not crazy. Thank you for sharing that information.

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