
  • This topic has 9 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Florida.
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  • #4095804

      Anyone have any thoughts on when next DDD batch will come out?

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      • #4096067

          True or not, it’s going to let me relax for the next four days anyway.

          I got audited in 97 and it started similar to this but that’s before we had forums to analyze the data.

          My taxes are simple and I was in and out like a breeze but it took months.

          Hope it’s just the penalty. Im definitely getting healthcare this year!

        • #4096065

            True or not, it’s going to let me relax for the next four days anyway.

            I got audited in 97 and it started similar to this but that’s before we had forums to analyze the data.

            My taxes are simple and I was in and out like a breeze but it took months.

            Hope it’s just the penalty. Im definitely getting healthcare this year!

          • #4096050

              You have to see a code 846 on your transcripts, this is the indicator that a refund is coming.

              For simplicity’s sake, a cycle code is just the group you’re lumped in – then they either get 846’d for a soon refund, or put in a different group for further processing. For many, the lack if health insurance denied them the 846 code, however it is rumored that this just adds 4 days to the cycle.

              Hope this makes sense.

            • #4096046


                Is that all that is? A freeze due to healthcare penalty?

                I too have no ddd, and same codes.

                What happens now?

              • #4095870

                  @luvluv your coworker may have codes 896 & 570 (healthcare penalty), people like that (including myself) are able to see transcripts but have no DDD. To check she should look at her account transcript.

                • #4095866

                    I just checked WMR and got this message.

                    Refund Status Results

                    We’re sorry but you have exceeded the number of daily attempts allowed.
                    Information is updated every 24 hours, usually overnight, so you only need to check once a day. Please try again tomorrow.

                    Accepted 01/20 through TT no DDD & at one bar

                    So it is updated every night? Maybe tomorrow a DDD

                  • #4095825

                      So my co worker was able to see her transcripts but does not have a DDD on WMR.. Fingers crossed maybe there is another update this week

                    • #4095808

                        I’m thinking the next DDD will be Wednesday 2/4

                      • #4095806

                          Title meant to say when next DDD out?? SO SORRY.

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