One Liner's

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Maritza.
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  • #1654

      I want to see how many of us are actually out there with the scary “One Liner”. The one liner is when your Where’s My Refund states “Your tax return has been received and is being processed”, Now I personally have only gotten 2 dates since I’ve filed and I’ve been stuck on this one for the past 2 weeeks or so. I had a date of 02/07 for the LONGEST time, then finally it updated, to this one liner, then it updated to 03/20. And now I’m back here.

      What has everyone elses experience been? Has anyone called and asked what it actually means?

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      • #3885

          Did anyone that had the “one liner” ever find out what it means?

        • #1699

            @tryingtobepatient, You know I did file a college credit. I’m not sure if that’s what the hold up is. I just wish that we could get it, The one letter I first got (which a rep told me to pay attention to that letter) My 60th day of waiting regarding that letter would be April 14th, On my transcripts it says my money will be realized on April 15th. I’m not sure if those two dates play a roll in it. Who knows. We’ll see.

          • #1687

              Filed 1/17 many by dates and then one liner for past few weeks. Today I went ghost. This has never happened to me. I don’t know what to think now.

            • #1661

                Accepted 3/6. I have had two dates 3/20, 3/27. Around the 16th it switched to the one liner. Haven’t bothered to call the IRS, not willing to wait on hold for hours to find out nothing.

              • #1660

                  I got the one-liner. From the person I talked to, the WMR site is invalid for people who have their returns held for review. BTW, I got the college credit, and this is my first time filing single, as I was previously married so I filed joint everytime. I think that’s why I got flagged. Damn you, IRS!

                • #1659

                    I have the one liner now for the second time. Filed on 1/23 had the “should receive by 2/7 that came and went and it changed to the one liner for almost a month then changed to “should receive by April 3rd” a week later it changed to “should receive by March 27th” March 28th it changed back to the one liner and is still there. I know my return is in the errors department, has been since 1/26, but I’ve been told they were able to fix it themselves…if that’s the case then why the hell is it still in the errors department..I have no idea what the error is.

                  • #1657

                      Amanda…did you take the college credit? I also had 2 dates and now a 1 liner. Filed mine in Jan.

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