
Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Obamacare

  • This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Stefani.
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  • #4096880

      Has anyone filed taxes having obamacare and received a ddd/ more then one bar or able to see transcripts?

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      • #4106749

          I sent my taxes in on 01/27/2015 and was approved same day. I had 1 bar and that went away 02/09/2015 now it just says “Processing refund..” bull crap! I dont have any changes this year either except the OBAMA CARE fee for my daughter and I am getting pissed off! I HAVE used Taxslayer for 7 years and no trouble. I always get my refund 7 days later. I dont know if it is because I filed before 01/31 and it got lost in all the ones that came in after or if it is because of the Obama care but I cant see my transcripts it says call identity theft number which says “Not taking calls at this time due to high volume” I am so frustrated. I need the money NOW! I have legal fees that have to be paid soon!!!!

        • #4106732

            Bumping this thread up, because I wonder if anyone with Obamacare or the penalty has gotten their refund yet, and if anyone knows why they’re getting a DDD so far in advance (March 2). Usually when you’re approved you get a DDD a couple days later.

            I was accepted a week ago today, would’ve had my refund already in the past. The ONLY thing that is different this year for me is the Obamacare thing. I’ve heard to expect to add 1-2 weeks extra processing time. My transcriptions show N/A.

            Anyway, anyone with Obamacare/penalty get their refund yet and how long did it take if so?

          • #4103871

              Okay, I hope this is good news, my transcript are now available but wmr is not updated
              my cycle code is 150601
              and I have codes
              150, 806, 766,768,846
              They have a date of 03/02/2015 for refund but I think its the 21day thing I hope
              Has anyone else with Obamacare gotten updated yet?

            • #4103643

                Lost all bars this morning
                God I’m worried
                Cannot get transcripts
                still have 152 topic but refund amount is blank
                Filed with tt on 1/31 and accepted immediately
                Filed 1095-a with return
                owe $52 dollars aca overpayment
                Talked to lady at JH at Walmart today and she said they aren’t experiencing any delays from Obamacare.
                Maybe she was too busy to talk though who knows!
                God knows how bad our family needs this money
                I’ve never experienced anything like this I’ve always had a 7-10 day turn around and usually got my second bar and ddd 3 days after filing.

              • #4102769

                  Does anybody else have the codes 150, 806 in addition to 896 and 570?

                • #4102741

                    same here filed 1/16 accepted then lost bars 1/20 trans say 570 hold code as do all w/ obamacare still waiting hope tonights the night,but somes getting letters see

                  • #4097897

                      I filed on 1/20 and approved on the same day. But I still have one bar and transcripts are n/a.

                    • #4097872

                        I filed on 1/21and had Obamacare. I can see my transcripts but still only have one bar.

                      • #4097792

                          @Amanda- Not that I have been able to find in my scouring of the internet :(

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