NJ State Refunds.. Anyone here anything

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season NJ State Refunds.. Anyone here anything

  • This topic has 26 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Rick.
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  • #4099034

      finally got my ddd and approved for my federal but when i try to check my state refund for NJ it still says they have no record of me, people have told me NJ is notorious for being slow, just wondering if anyone in the same boat as me

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      • #4112622

          Submitted in late March. Now in mid July and no sign of progress. This is a joke.

        • #4111845

            I filed mine on 3/39 and it hasn’t approved yet. Does anybody know the number i call and do follow up. Website doesn’t tell much.

          • #4111671

              I can’t believe this website and the state of NJ. I thought it was just my return and got frustrated of no response from the state. I filed on 3/17/15. My son got his refund, a small amount in about a week and half. My refund a little larger, still waiting. That must be the budget cuts we hear about. No one is working in the tax department.

            • #4111660
              C. A. M.

                I filed using TurboTax the first week of March. I received a mailed notice on the 13th of April saying they need a copy of my W2. My refund was flagged due to it being an excessive amount. It was excessive because the State decided to take 9.9% from a small (under $30K) stock option exercise — total annual income was less than 1/3 for full tax rate, but they took the max just the same. So now I still wait, May 1st. No one answers phones and no progress on their website. My explanation …. NJ is flat broke and has no money!

              • #4111652

                  Been 5 weeks and my accountant electronically submitted. The Fed refunded a week after submitting in Feb and the state is BSing all of us. Why are we complaining in this Vacuum? I am going to reach out to our Gov, Senator and state Rep. I recommend you do as well because sharing stories and reading same replies are redundant and will solve nothing. Let’s raise this to the next level!

                • #4111613

                    I called the State tax office last week and waited over 30 minutes to speak to someone. She told me they had new security measures in place and could not give a date when I would receive my refund. I filed in mid February – I asked her what are the new security procedures and her response was “I don’t know – they didn’t tell us” – I asked if they were going to add on intereset and her response was “not until after 6 months after the cut-off”. When I asked what the cut-off was she replied “April 15th”. What a racket the State has this year!

                  • #4111540

                      I filed the first week of February and am getting the same “generic blanket response” that everyone is apparently getting. I’ve called 3 times and all 3 times wad given the same answer and was basically told there’s nothing they can do until it’s been processed. So Does that mean I should expect it this year, next year, year after? Must be nice to be able to make us wait an unacceptable amount of time to refund us our money but if you owed, you better have it in by April 15th or get ready for interest and late fees. Hypocrites!

                    • #4111522

                        I did mine also jab 20. Since then it’s been saying processing. I called and the lady said she’ll put rush on my file so they can process manually and get it quicker. That was 3 weeks ago. I’ve been checking everyday faithfully and says processing. Today I checked and says no records or file with my social. Wtf is going on. I still haven’t received my return from last year and still getting same bs excuses saying it’ll come with this years. Smfh. Ridiculous

                      • #4111505

                          My state taxes were accepted on 1/29 and I have still not received my refund. After months of trying to contact them, I finally spoke with someone who told me that there was nothing wrong with my taxes, they needed no information or paperwork from me, but that I would have to wait “maybe 3-6 months” for my refund due to new security measures. Did ANYONE ELSE get this response? I was told that my refund would accrue interest over this time.

                        • #4111458

                            Did taxes and mine were accepted in January. Still no state refund. They keep giving the same lame excuse. Almost May 2015 and nothing. I think it’s time we sue the state of NJ and call the local news.

                          • #4111436

                              Turbotax said “accepted” on 2/2…still processing and not “approved” as of today (4/18). Starting to believe the post about getting my refund at the end of the year!

                            • #4111201

                                Its been 9 weeks since I had mine done. When I call it justs says that it is still processing. All my friends who hot theirs done after me already have their refunds. I dont understand why mine is being held up.

                              • #4110521
                                m wiley

                                  Yes,the same thing happening..People who mailed it in is getting it quicker. Supposedly, there was a “fraud” attack on electronic claims, whether you used Turbo tax or another Tax program.They are stating that they are performing “more” steps to confirm that the person receiving the refund is definitely the tax payer and noone else. WHo knows the truth though. I filed end January and still waiting…..

                                • #4110017

                                    I filed my taxes on jan. 20 and it was accepted but i still havent received my taxes yet. I called the 800 number and the lady asked me to verify my social, my address, the amount due and after giving her all this info she said my taxes are still being looked at and i should give it more time. This is the first time this has ever happened to me

                                  • #4109986

                                      State was accepted on 2/8. Here it is 3/10 and site says it’s still processing. I never had to wait this long. And the number they list to call is bs, lines are always busy and you’re told to call back.

                                    • #4109972

                                        My nj state refund was excepted on 01/20 and I still have not received a dime. I called she said they are still processing my return:/

                                      • #4109847

                                          I checked about two weeks ago & my refund was processing. A few days later; no record at all. They weren’t accepting calls when the times I called.
                                          First time I had issues. However my best friend for past couple years gets this problem. She doesn’t usually receive her refund until the end of the year. With no adjustments. Odd that this has been happening these past few years…

                                        • #4109551

                                            I am getting the same message and I filed on 2/5, but people I know are just receiving theirs and they filed back in January.

                                          • #4109540

                                              No deposit date for state just says processing but not approved. I was accepted 2/9 and signed up for direct deposit. Anyone get it yet?

                                            • #4108939

                                                I checked over the phone a week 1/2 ago and gave me the date it was being deposited. 3 weeks from my tax file date. End of Feb, the 27. When I checked online today, it says;

                                                “We have no information about a refund with the Social Security Number and Refund Amount you entered. Please check to make sure that the Social Security Number and Refund Amount you entered is correct.”

                                                Very strange. I will assume I am still getting my return when I was originally advised.

                                              • #4108413

                                                  it looks like they updated their website, before it said no info, now it says they did receive it.

                                                • #4107902

                                                    Filed and (supposedly) accepted 1/31

                                                    Receiving the same message for NJ state taxes.
                                                    Called them yesterday to verify that they had received my taxes,
                                                    stated they had, just still processing and needs more time.
                                                    I think that’s just a generic message until they’re actually done processing.
                                                    Sure gives you a fright though!

                                                  • #4107843

                                                      Because of the security beach with intuit add another 3 weeks processing time is what I was told.

                                                    • #4100616

                                                        Accepted 1/28, yet the NJ site says no record of me. When I checked my tax records over the last few years, barring there were no problems, I always got my money 3 weeks from the acceptance date. Hopefully that will be 2/18 this year. Knowing those jackasses, it will probably be later though.

                                                      • #4100600

                                                          Same! They have said no record of me since day one…NJ is usually slow but I usually get it around a week or two after my Federal which I filed on 1.20. and received. 1.30.

                                                        • #4099080

                                                            Same here. Accepted 1/27. Still says no record of filing

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