NEED ADVICE: Are Cycles Accurate?

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  • #4097627

      Please help. I filed and was accepted by the IRS on Jan 21. I have no updates on Wheres My Refund and my transcripts are not available.

      I’ve been trying to understand these cycle codes but maybe I’m not getting them. With the fact that I filed on the 21st, I thought that regardless of being a weekly or daily, I would still have information by now?

      My past years cycle codes are: (2013) 20141203, (2012) 20130603, (2011) 20120505. Last year we filed late and I’m not sure why 2011 cycle ends with 05 when the most recent two years end with an 03.

      Could someone give me advice on when I should receive a DDD? Please, please, please help! Thanks in advance.

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      • #4098671

          I’ve checked mine and a friend of mine
          And we were both updated next day with ddd that were completely spot on

        • #4097652

            without this years cycle code noone will know

          • #4097651

              Bump. I would like to know too, @Unsure.

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