My 05 transcripts just updated with 846 refund code and all 4 transcripts comple

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season My 05 transcripts just updated with 846 refund code and all 4 transcripts comple

  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4103110

      Exactly as I thought says!!!!! I’m ready to party.!!! My transcripts were half way complete this morning and now they are complete with 846 refund code.

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      • #4103263

          I have a 846 code too but what does 2-23-2015 mean?

        • #4103262

            Mine (05 cycle for last 3 years) was updated for account trasncript but with all 0s and no cycle dates. Noticed this around 6am today. No more updates yet though.

          • #4103225
            nona SC

              @bree mines says the same thing. I was wondering the same thing too! We want receive our refund till the 23?

            • #4103176

                Yay for all of us and mwr won’t update till Monday with a 10th or 11th ddd

              • #4103168

                  Mine updated twice today already, and now I have a 846 code!! Yaaaayyy! What does it mean when it says refund issued Feb 23 though? I noticed last year refund issued date on my transcripts was later than I actually got my taxes. Am I waiting until the 11th or the 23rd?? I’m relying on my taxes to pay for the rest of my moving expenses next week, so that week discrepancy makes a big difference! My code is 05052015.

                • #4103157

                    Where would the code be located on your transcript?

                  • #4103149

                      Me too! I thought it wouldn’t be until later but I finally got my 846 code!!! ::does happy dance::

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