movement over the weekend?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season movement over the weekend?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Jay.
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  • #4093638

      will we see any movement over the weekend on regards to being approved and given a DDD? I would imagine no because its the weekend and god forbid a government employee work weekends, but thought possibly since it’s tax season this could be different. Any insight is helpful

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      • #4093681

          Sure, I plan on a movement (or two) over the weekend ;) LMFAO

        • #4093662

            Last year I checked WMR on Saturday and it moved from accepted to refund sent, hoping for the same this year!

          • #4093660

              I’m sure well have all types of updates come Monday. For some reason I feel like us early filers will be paid mid – late next week.

            • #4093641

                I got my DDD on Sunday morning last year and it was for 2/6 which was that following Thursday

              • #4093639

                  I think last year big updates can on Fridays and I remeber getting my transcript on Saturday and ddd on Sunday

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