Missing bars

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Missing bars

  • This topic has 12 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Dee.
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  • #4094483

      Has anyone with missing bars heard any news mine went missing this morning

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      • #4095053

          Just checked for transcripts and I can see them I’m locked out of wmr so I don’t know if my bars are back but at least I know it’s been processed

        • #4094791

            My bars disappeared this morning as well, no refund amount, but still showing TT 152. I was hoping this year they would not disappear. They did though and I am hoping it’s not a big issue like last year. I had to wait 8 weeks. But that was because my account has an ID Theft flag on it, so someone has to manually look at my return and approve it to be sure it is me, etc. Waiting until tomorrow then going to call.

          • #4094765
            Kimberly Scott

              I filed early last year and I did not receive my refund until the end of March. I never called the IRS, just listened and read posts on here last year. I was finally mailed a letter at the beginning of March for ID verification. I will not file early this year because of the delay from last year. I filed january 12th and was accepted prior to the opening date (january 30, 2014). I kept being re-sequenced and re-sequenced. I believe the people who “File early” are resequenced many times. A lesson I learn, not to file prior to the opening date!

            • #4094548

                I was accepted early on Jan. 12th and on WMR I never had any bars and my refund amount was never listed. I was able to pull my transcripts this morning and it stated my refund issue date as Feb. 16th. I wouldn’t worry about the missing bars…I personally think WMR is unreliable and has a lot of glitches.

              • #4094521
                My Money

                  To the ppl that have no bars and are able to order transcripts have your bars came back? Im freaking out because mines did the same thing and not able to get transcripts

                • #4094506

                    Missing bars doesn’t mean 100% we are under review. It seems to me all that were accepted on the 12th have no bars. My tax return was exactly the same as last year, same employer, made more money than last year by a few grand.. same dependents, same everything.
                    My theory is we were a test batch that got resequenced for some reason.
                    Hopefully one of us 12s can call and get some answers.

                  • #4094496

                      I filed on 1/13 was accepted on 1/13. Lost my bars on the 16th. This morning I was able to order my transcripts. Cycle 20150402.

                    • #4094490

                        For the last few years people have had issues with the WMR bars being removed at random. It isn’t due to manual review as it has happened to me 3 of the last 4 years, and in each case was due to my refund being approved before WMR updates. I am not saying this is necessarily the case for everyone, but I definitely don’t see it as a negative. Heck, my return consists of a W-2 and a 1090-T from my college. Pretty straight forward =p

                      • #4094489

                          I hope it is good I just watched a video that said if they were missing it’s cause it been pulled for manual review

                        • #4094488

                            Mine went missing around the 15th still not able to see my transcripts

                          • #4094486

                              I’ve been missing bars since Friday and still don’t have them but was able to order my transcript today and everything is fine.

                            • #4094484

                                Same story here, Dee. Filed the 21st, accepted the 21st (Fed), and I’ve been sitting at one bar on WMR until this morning. Now I have no bars. “A refund date will be provided when available”. Tax Topic 152. Maybe the change is good?

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