Mailed and not direct deposit?

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season Mailed and not direct deposit?

  • This topic has 11 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by tiredofwaiting.
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  • #4538771

      Just checked WMR, and after a longer than usual wait, I’m finally at refund approved. However, it says my refund will be MAILED, when I selected DD. I logged into to TT and double checked my routing and account numbers, and they’re correct. Why would they mail vs DD? Anyone have this happen? I’m livid about it.

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      • #4539569

          Been waiting since March 1st. Says it was mailed, and still nothing.

        • #4539528

            I choose Direct deposit but WMR said my check was mailed on 3/6/24.
            Still waiting to receive my check . Don’t know what is wrong

          • #4539318

              Yes, Always had my check DD, but this year was mailed. They stated that the account number was wrong, but his wasn’t the case. I received my check in about 4 days from the day listed on my transcript. we may never find out the real reason, but at least I have my money.

            • #4539224

                Check was mailed out on the 3/08 and was received on the 3/12/24.

              • #4539047

                  @jstme: yes. 846 refund issued with a date of 3/8. WMR says they’re mailing it despite me selecting direct deposit. State refund had no direct deposit issues so no idea why I’m getting mailed a check. It’s frustrating. Never had it happen before.

                • #4539028

                    @afasterhorse Does your 846 have “refund issued’ and then date? My transcripts just updated today to “846 refund issued 3-12-24”. Filed 2/15, accepted 2/16, top 2 transcripts have not been available before today. Weird that it didn’t say “DDD”.

                  • #4539014

                      Looking to hear from others who have actually had this happen to them vs speculation or assumptions. Thank you to all input, though.

                    • #4539009

                        If the return was too large they would mail it or if it is rejected when they try to send it. I’ve seen it happen a lot this year! It should show you on your transcripts when they mailed it.

                      • #4539005

                          Bumping this one to the top. Anyone ever have this happen?

                        • #4538791

                            We had ours mailed last year too. No explanation either and we’ve banked with the same bank for years and have always had direct deposit. Don’t worry, they’ll send the check soon if it’s already been processed. You can signup with usps to get emails and see what’s coming in the mail that day. Just a heads up, we saw the check in the email but the check wasn’t in our mailbox until a couple days later so don’t worry if that happens also. Good luck!

                          • #4538789

                              It could sometimes be the amount it might be a larger amount,the names on account don’t match not sure other reasons but those are the two reasons for sure. So if the account and name on refund don’t match they will reject it and i know some banks only accept a certain amount and if that amount exceeds the deposit amount they will send mail

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