Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season LOST WMR BARS THIS MORNING

  • This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Johanna.
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  • #4096132

      Good evening, I am in the 20150402 cycle posting. Up until yesterday, i had one bar on WMR. This morning, they were gone and there was just a message saying that my return is being processed. When I access my account transcript, The last code entered is the one for child tax. There is no 846, no 570, nothing. When I call the offset line, it says i have no tax offset but I DO know that I owe the IRS money. Does anyone have any ideas as to whats going on? If they take whats owed to them, how long will it take to receive the remainder of my tax refund? Thanks in advance.

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      • #4098603

          I do not owe any money anywhere, and I lost my one bar this morning. Getting frustrated, I was accepted early on 01/13/15 and still have no DDD or tax transcripts.

        • #4098582

            I filed January 18 and accepted January 20 . My bar were on accepted for a week and I woke up this morning to a message that my return was being processed .my amount was there but topic 152 is gone . I cant get transcripts because I’m locked out of my transcripts from identity theft last year.Does anyone know what this mean?

          • #4098579

              I’ve had blank account transcripts since 1/27. Last night I also lost my bars but I still have tax topic 152 and my refund amount.

            • #4098577

                Offsets usually push back your DDD by a week.

              • #4098572

                  I filed on January 25th and accepted January 27th woke up this morning and my bars are gone. What does this mean?

                • #4096308

                    I also lost bars today i had one bar yesterday and none today :(

                  • #4096174

                      I lost my bars this morning , was able to get a return transcript tonight. I am in 20150404 whatever that means….

                      I have locked myself out of WMR (gave phone to toddler without closing app) so I will see if their is a change in the morning.

                    • #4096147

                        I owed the irs money previously and it did not take that much longer to receive my refund.
                        I still received it within the normal time frame…

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