lets all figur this out .please join in

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season lets all figur this out .please join in

  • This topic has 2 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Mish mosh.
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  • #4096703
    Jonny dollar

      I have filed for the past 7 years with H&R Block. This year I filed on the 16th. Accepted on the 20th and have not seen any movement since. Can you please help make a informed decision by writing below your current status in filling, when you filed and what tax service you filed with. Please only reply if your still in limbo. Thanks in advance.

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      • #4096716
        Mish mosh

          Filed 1/22 turbo tax, received accepted email on 22nd at 3:45pm. One bar but don’t know when it showed up….probably first checked on the 26th. No transcripts.

        • #4096715

            Filed and accepted 1/26 with H & R Block online. Got my transcripts last night around 11 eastern on my transcript I have the glorious 846 code. Wmr hasn’t updated yet so i can only put my finger between 3 days of when it could be deposited

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