just spoke to a rep a TT

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season just spoke to a rep a TT

  • This topic has 16 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4094313

      i just got off of the phone with a customer service representative from TT and he said “That some people have Alteady gotten their federal refund.

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      • #4094390

          I too posted what I felt to be creditable info from a friend that manages a tax office and was disrespected. It saddens me that we all probably could use this money but still lack in respect enough to know when people want to help. I was told by the 3rd for the early fillers. If it’s wrong then I apologize but I hope it gives some of you peace of mind.

        • #4094388

            TT said that same BS last year about first come first served. LIES LIES! I know for a FACT that’s not how it works. Last year tons of people got their refunds before I did and I filed before them!
            This waiting sucks! I wish the IRS would be more clear!

          • #4094373

              I actually just used the live chat feature on my tt account which I filed through online for free. I asked about if they knew anything about the wheresmyrefund not updating properly and they said no. They looked at my return and said I was approved, duh lol, I already knew that. So then I asked if they have personally seen anyone’s return that was approved yet and they said yes very few and it is on a first come first serve basis. So I guess the very few that claim to have a ddd may not by lying but watch out for the photoshops lol.

            • #4094365

                This is Tatiana, I deleted the picture because please telling me it’s fake and soo own. So stop with the negative comments ok. Also your wrong the negative feedback was way earlier. Your late

              • #4094361

                  That last post was from me, Michelle, to Tatiana, not posted by Tatiana. My bad.

                • #4094360

                    No disrespect at all, but when I clicked on that link it brought me to an ad, not a photo from Instagram. That may be why you got negative feedback.

                  • #4094351

                      IRS do not contact you by email only through us mail. Its a scam please don’t click on any if the links…

                    • #4094335
                      Tatiana Natt

                        I contacted the irs because i got things to do. Lol and i received that. I’m sorry if i was hostal but mitch was very rude and i was just trying to share information. Sorry guys

                      • #4094334

                          tatiana, i was just wondering if that email was in response to u contacting the irs. meaning did u contact the irs & ask about your refund or did u just randomly receive that email.

                        • #4094332

                            On the 0% TT users. But the IRS warns you about email scams

                          • #4094331

                              I agree with you Tatiana

                            • #4094330

                                Dear Mitch,

                                How dare you try and be rude. I just posted what i received in my email as i was reading post on here. I have no time to make fake shit. I do have a child and a job. If it’s fake fine but i received it and decided to post it you ignorant ass hole. Some people have no self respect

                              • #4094329

                                  NO WAY is that an email from the IRS the IRS does not email ppl about their refunds & tell them other ppl have already gotten refunds & send them pics what is wrong w some ppl

                                • #4094328

                                    I juat received this email from the Irshttp://instagram.com/p/yVuDKuRb5_/

                                  • #4094325

                                      Hmm, where are these people?

                                    • #4094324

                                        That can’t be true because when you log in TT it says 0 percent has received refund

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