Is this the kiss of review death?

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Is this the kiss of review death?

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Lyn.
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  • #4100297

      Filed and accepted on 1/30. Immediately one bar with TT 152. That went away last night and now shows refund around and “your tax return is still being processed. A refund date will be provided when available.” Does this mean I am under review? Has anyone else seen this message and then got DDD?

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      • #4100836

          I have the same message and had to call the IRS because I was having issues obtaining my transcripts and was told that when you have that message on WMR that means that something on your return was flagged and it needs to be reviewed manually. depending on the issue it can be a few days or few weeks before it is done.

        • #4100327

            Guy I have my 2014 account transcript but return is n/a so I have been pused back any info on why this happen would be nice

          • #4100311

              Mine did that. Had that message and no refund amount. The next day, my account transcript was available and the day after than WMR updated to refund approved with a DDD of 2/4. I haven’t received it yet though.

            • #4100309

                No, that just means you haven’t been processed yet. If your account transcript shows up for 2014 and it has no return information on it, then that means you got resequenced and will likely not see progress for a week.

              • #4100304

                  My wage transcript is there but says no record of return filed. All the others say n/a. Is that bad? Thank you!

                • #4100300

                    Not necessarily. Some people say the bars are just a server issue or whatever. Now, if you check your account transcript and it says no return filed, then THAT is the kiss of death. Mine was blank like that for a whole week with no progress. Thankfully that’s over now.

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