Is IRS transcript site updating???

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Is IRS transcript site updating???

  • This topic has 14 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4099691

      I checked my transcripts this morning at 8:00 am CST and still 0.00. Just tried again and when I click on 2014 link for acct transcripts it took a while to process and then it says there was an issue completing your request – please try again in a few minutes. Waited 5 minutes – still getting error. Hopefully (but doubtfully) there will be some sort of update!

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      • #4099788

          Finally got in no change at all starting to get really really irritated

        • #4099786

            @Jdubb — No I was just going by what my transcript says. My transcripts say my DDD should be tomorrow, but since I don’t have that 846 refund approved code I don’t think it will be there. Now in previous years I’ve gotten my deposit before WMR updated with a DDD. That happened all on the same day for us last year.

          • #4099783

              @Karma2678 I doubt you’ll get a DDD for tomorrow. Maybe you’ll get an update tomorrow but I doubt that if you don’t have a DDD that you’ll get money tomorrow without one . Stranger things have happened but I seriously doubt it

            • #4099773

                i just tried to get mine “We cannot process your transcript request. Please contact the Identity Protection Specialized Unit (IPSU) ”
                filed on the 29th
                accepted a few hours later on the 29th no updates since, havent been able to check transcripts at all, nothing, i hope im not gonna get audited like the last two years..

              • #4099768

                  They must be updating or something. I checked my transcripts this morning about 10 am and I could get them, but nothing had changed on them. I just tried again at 2:45 and it is coming up an error due to maintenance.

                  Here is what has been going on with me:

                  I lost my bars on ‘WMR’ either Thurs or Fri.
                  Able to order transcripts on Fri and had all normal codes except NO 846 code yet. My cycle date is 04.

                  If refund ever gets approved I think the DDD would be Tuesday, so I am a bit worried it being Monday already. My husband and I filed separately and his cycle code was 05 with 846 code. His WMR says DDD 02/04 so we are just waiting it to hit US Bank account.

                • #4099765

                    Ok finally got in – no change :(

                  • #4099746

                      @tradami the transcripts update throughout the day – WMR updates overnight ….

                    • #4099726

                        I check it 10 minutes ago I could see the years but I cant view it says error

                      • #4099716

                          Same here cant get in

                        • #4099710

                            Would be nice if that’s what’s going on since the transcript site updates throughout the day and not only overnight.

                          • #4099705

                              i have cycle 0402 on transcript says feb 16 but 0.00 whats does it mean

                            • #4099703

                                @tradami, do you mean like after midnight tonight? what time zone are u in?

                              • #4099699

                                  Same thing happening here. I hope it’s updating but we most likely wont see an update til tonight.

                                • #4099698

                                    There is a FB page called “No tax return filed” Where’s our Money…there are A LOT of people there who are having the same issue. When I attempt to pull my transcripts, the page tries to load and then I get the error message and the tab says “Maintenance”…hoping for an update!!

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