IRS Shady Setup

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season IRS Shady Setup

  • This topic has 7 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by courtneyll.
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  • #4093969

      So I just talked to a friend who works for the IRS and she said IRS supervisors are telling the staff to purposely take long amounts of time processing returns this year so their funding can be restored. She said returns will be right at the 21 day window from the 20th start date. Shame on the IRS their budget should be cut further in return for more automation.

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      • #4094102

          You do realize its 21 “business days” right? That’s what took so damn long last year, im tired of waiting.

        • #4094096

            I don’t know… I agree with a Previous poster, you would think in 6 days now someone would have an updated status! No one does! So, they are just sitting around?! I thought the computers did the returns now, unless you are audited?! Not one person in the Us is past 1 bar! So they paused the computers?! No, they are processing them they just aren’t updating the info. They will update mid week to late Friday, I bet! Computers do the returns now, they are set up to do billions of returns. From the post it sounded like people were processing our returns… nah, they just aren’t updating the wmr. Site, only to add people to the accepted status.

          • #4093980

              I’m sorry I don’t buy that story every year people put out rumors about the IRS they know someone who works there and they said this etc
              we all have to be patient and see for ourselves example if someone comes to us and say I know someone whom works for mcdonald’s and
              they said next week they giving out free big macs and then that next week you pull up to the drive and they say its not acurate we all need to just be patient and see for

            • #4093973

                Someone hit the send button already lol

              • #4093971

                  I hope that is not the case:/ but even if they are taking long times to process, someones must be done already! You would think, you would hope:(

                • #4093972
                  Corey B.

                    I figured if the IRS wanted to prove a point, they would purposefully slow down processing to highlight their whining over budget issues. Hope we r wrong!

                  • #4093970

                      Long as it comes . That’s Feb 10th cut off time . Still good. I think everyone needs t o chill out.

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