Iowa State Refund

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Iowa State Refund

  • This topic has 7 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 9 years ago by Lis.
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  • #4094153

      I filed and was accepted on the 21st, I see many other states have already been accepted and have a DDD. My daughter’s and mine still says they have no record of our state return. Anyone in Iowa filed and have DDD yet?

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      • #4102218

          I filed my taxes on the 29, both federal and state were accepted later that day. On the 2nd the Iowa website said that my refund had been approved and processed on 2/2, this morning I checked and it states it has been received and is processing 2/4. So confused!

        • #4102141

            Yesterday Iowa Where’s My Refund had my processed date as 2/2/2015. Just checked tonight and it now says my refund was processed 2/4/2015. How is that even possible?

          • #4100536

              Filed and Accepted State and Fed on 1/28, checked Iowa WMR this morning and have processed and approved date or 2/2/2015, says should receive refund within 14 days, I’m assuming it will be less!

            • #4100137
              Another filer

                Filed and accepted on 1/27. Iowa shows approved on 1/30. Federal on the other hand…no progress beyond one bar.

              • #4099999

                  I filed my federal and state tax for Iowa on 1/26/15 and all of last week it showed “no information with that name found”. I checked the Iowa Dept. of Revenue site Sat. morning and it updated to “refund approved” processing date 1/30/2015. So hopefully it comes this week or so. Has anyone else got a dd date yet from Iowa?

                • #4094636

                    I filed 1/19 federal and state and was accepted 1/20. Fed is still processing and Iowa states “no record found” on the website.

                  • #4094173
                    Prncs lea

                      My Iowa was accepted on Friday morning. My ex husband accepted on 1.21. It says the same thing for both of us.

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