Inside info: if anyone has info from someone who works at irs

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Inside info: if anyone has info from someone who works at irs

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Torie.
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  • #4094255

      Has anyone talked to or know someone that has either spoken w an irs employee or knows someone that works for irs & has any info from an actual irs employee as to what the holdup is. i wud think someone out there has a friend or fam member that works for irs & has gotten some kind of info from them.

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      • #4094383

          And the award for best reply today goes to…

          “…for lack of a better word, a clocktease…”

        • #4094285

            “I don’t see why so many people are upset by this delay. Last year they didn’t even start processing til the 31st of Jan.”

            Because accepting them 11 days earlier than last year but then delaying refunds by approximately the same amount of time is, for lack of a better word, a clocktease.

            Not a typo.

          • #4094264

              There have been numerous articles claiming that due to budget cuts and other reasonings, they will be delayed a week.




              I don’t see why so many people are upset by this delay. Last year they didn’t even start processing til the 31st of Jan.

            • #4094261
              jack meoff

                My great grandfather knows a guy whos sister gave birth to a boy 32 years ago who grew up and married a women whos brother has a friend who knows soneone whos mom works at a post office who heard a customer mention that she knows a guy whos boyfriends sisters baby daddy id related to a morphin dike who works at ye ol irs building and heshe said ………..cant give out information

              • #4094260

                  Per Facebook, IRS employees are not to give out any information on any type of social media. I guess there have been people saying that relatives or friends that work at the IRS are posting things and, supposedly it’s wrong. I would just love for the IRS to quit being so secretive.

                • #4094258

                    My mom has worked for the IRS for close to 30 years. And although she works with the business returns, she has heard that all refunds, including E-filed will be delayed a week. So this could explain a lot of the waiting around. I’d expect to see some refund approvals beginning next week. Until then…

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