If you received a DDD, how long did it take from date Accepted? Accepted 2/2!

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season If you received a DDD, how long did it take from date Accepted? Accepted 2/2!

  • This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by AmariC05.
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  • #4101709
    Ahh, What!?!

      I thought my Acceptance was 1/29, but after speaking with live IRS person, Acceptance was 2/2.

      Turbo Tax and WMR both said sent and accepted 1/29.
      However live person said it arrived Monday!

      I did have filing fees deducted from return via Turbo Tax Bank.
      Waiting for DDD!

      Looking for info from all filers.

      2/2 filers any updates? Please let us know.

      Anybody with helpful info let us know.

      When did you file ? How long did it take to see DDD? Any other tips or tricks for people gathering info?

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      • #4102320

          H&R Block
          Filed 2/2 Fees paid up front
          Accepted 30 minutes later
          WMR one bar same day
          As of this morning no movement no transcripts.

        • #4102221

            I was finally able to view my transcripts this morning! Cycle date of 20150504. Another post says this will be updated to DDD of 2/10!

          • #4101900

              Filed 1/29 accepted within a few hours, checked next day h&r block said 1/30 acceptance even though I had an email saying it was like 5pm eastern on 1/29 waited a couple days and checked to see if I could get transcripts and it told me to contact identity unit to verify identity, did so and they didn’t even need any info but they said my acceptance date moved to 2/2… Still one bar, no transcripts

            • #4101898

                Filed and accepted within the hour on 2/2. Joint, kids, mortgage. Still on one bar unable to view transcript

              • #4101781

                  My BF was accepted on 1-29-15 and today he got a DDD of 2-6-15. He also filed through TaxAct.

                • #4101780

                    Accepted on 1/16/2015, Received my money on 2/4/2015. I filed through TaxAct.

                  • #4101774

                      Also, I filed with Turbo Tax but am not having fees taken out. I also cannot view any transcripts. I hope you’re right Lorraine!

                    • #4101772

                        I filed on 2/2, accepted within an hour later. Immediately showed on WMR site as accepted with Tax Topic 152. No updates yet as of 2/4 2:40 p.m. ET

                      • #4101753

                          I filed and was accepted 2/2. If i am correct we should be able to see transcripts and get a DDD on Friday and recieve our direct deposit on either 2/9 or 2/11.

                        • #4101740

                            I filed 2/2 and got accepted the same day. No transcript yet. I filed married/joint, with kids and the mortgage form along with school.

                          • #4101721

                              Same issue, but I don’t know when mine was accepted, I probably should have asked, I just know it *was* accepted…

                            • #4101717

                                Hmm…I filed with TT as well on 1/29 at 5pm and was accepted same day at 8pm.

                                I still can’t view transcripts and still have one bar on WMR. Yet others who filed the same day or after have a DDD of 2/6?!?!

                                Maybe mine wasn’t really accepted 1/29?

                                What number did you call to speak with someone??

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