If my memory serves me correctly

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  • #4536241
    Blue moon

      Didn’t they start putting out 846 codes around 11am cst. I would have to go through the thread on this forum and find it. But I remember everyone started getting their money on Chime later that evening.

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      • #4536262

          This is good news. We also bank with chime, and from what I understand, chime deposits tax refunds up to 6 days early. I’m really hoping ours hit in the next few days, as Monday is a holiday, and our est ddd is 2/19. Hoping we all start seeing our refunds ASAP 🤞🤞

        • #4536258

            Mine dropped at 12:18 pm on 2/16/23 last year. I use cashapp.

          • #4536246

              Blue Moon, I believe you are absolutely correct.

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