Id verify refund?

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  • This topic has 39 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Olga fields.
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  • #4184289

      Anyone who had to id verify get a refund yet? Anyone?????? If so, post your timeline.

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      • #4193473
        Olga fields

          I just want to give everyone some hope it didnt take 9 weeks for me.

          I filed 01/18/2017
          Was accepted 01/19/2017
          No bars
          Got my id verifiy letter a week later
          Called but was told to come in because i didnt have a pior year taxes
          Made appointment for feb 2017 miss that one
          Had to wait almost a month for another one

          Went in 03/20/2017

          Went in took ten mins lady told me 9 weeks

          TODAY IS MARCH 25 2017


        • #4188904

            File 1/31
            Never had bars
            Got letter 2/25
            Verified 2/27
            Got bars 3/4 with ddd 3/8

          • #4188798

              What are the questions they asked when you go directly to their office for ID verification?


            • #4188708

                UPDATE: So last year I had my taxes offset for student loans. I just now called the offset line to make sure something is not lingering and I was right. I have an offset of roughly $700. The GOOD NEWS IS that when the system checked it said something along the lines: “You have an offset of $700 deducted from your payment on 3/8/2017”. So I’m fairly certain if you got transcripts today as me your DDD is most likely that day, At least that’s what I think it would be for me. Hope this helps someone. My bars have not updated though.

              • #4188689

                  Same here. Id verified on 2/22. Saw your messages so decided to order transcripts. Was not able to order return transcripts and now I was. Also, when I tried ordering transcripts before I had to use my address from last year. I order the transcripts needing my new address. My previous experience is that I think they are done and should update tomorrow probably.

                • #4188672

                    Accepted 1/27/17
                    Lines disappeared 2/11/17 17
                    ID verify 2/28/17
                    Ordered transcripts today 3/3/17

                    No updates as of yet.

                    Anyone else in the same boat?

                  • #4188639

                      Heya guys,

                      Quick update one my timeline. As of today I can finally order Return Transcripts. The wait surely isn’t over yet, but any change feels like progress.

                      Filed and Accepted: 1/25
                      Bars disappeared and got still processing message: 2/06
                      ID Verification Letter: 2/22
                      Called to verify: 2/22
                      Can (finally) order return transcripts: 3/03

                    • #4188379

                        I’m one of the unlucky ones. Filed 1/23, accepted 1/24, received letter 2/27. Now I have to go to the taxpayer office to further verification.

                      • #4188349
                        Denise jarvis

                          Filed Jan 24th
                          Excepted Jan 25th
                          Verified identity 2/15
                          No bars and just says processing!

                        • #4188348
                          Denise jarvis

                            Filed Jan 24th
                            Excepted Jan 25th
                            Verified identity 2/15
                            No bars and just says processing!

                          • #4188273

                              Any one who verified get an update or refund?

                            • #4187735


                                I’m in the same boat. I actually visited an office to verify ID on 2/22

                                I can’t order transcripts and I have the same message on WMR

                              • #4187716

                                  Filed and Accepted: 1/25
                                  Bars disappeared and got still processing message: 2/06
                                  ID Verification Letter: 2/22
                                  Called to verify: 2/22

                                  Was told up to 9 weeks. Bars still gone, can’t order return transcripts, only account. WMR says;

                                  “Your tax return is still being processed.

                                  A refund date will be provided when available.”

                                • #4187607

                                    @mizzezmoore any update? We have the same timeline

                                  • #4187497

                                      Filed and Accepted: 1/27
                                      Bars disappeared and got still processing message: 2/13
                                      ID Verification Letter: 2/13
                                      Called to verify: 2/15
                                      Bars returned and approved with DDD: 2/27
                                      Expected DDD: 3/1

                                      Overall, it wasn’t THAT long. About a month total from filing to DD. I had an address and bank account change which is why I was selected.

                                    • #4186553

                                        Filed and Accepted: 1/31
                                        Bars disappeared and got still processing message: 2/9
                                        ID Verification Letter: 2/21
                                        Called to verify: 2/21
                                        Bars returned and approved with DDD: 2/25
                                        Expected DDD: 3/1

                                        I have an offset for federal taxes from last year, so I expected it to take much longer to process.

                                      • #4186738

                                          I filed 1/17. Got accepted 1/18. Had the two credits so had to wait, then on 2/17 got verification letter. Verified that day. Was told worst case scenario is 9 weeks. I couldn’t order my transcripts both account and return transcripts up until Saturday. Ordered them via phone was told I would receive them 5-10 business days. Still no update on end. I’m worried

                                        • #4186480

                                            Karma2678 they only asked me about the address i used and then the exact federal amount taken out which is on your return ..line 40 I think so I don’t think you need the W2. Then they asked personal questions like place of birth and parent’s names.

                                          • #4186476

                                              WMR updated to accepted!! DDD of 3/1..decided to check my Netspend account and BAM the money is THERE. I had an offset I wasn’t expecting but I’m happy regardless. Hope y’all get good news too!

                                            • #4186404

                                                Some good news. I I’d verified on 2/17. WMR just updated for me rob DDD 3/1!

                                              • #4186394

                                                  I just found out I must ID verify. Got my letter dated 2/14 this evening when I got back in town.
                                                  I was wondering why the letter says you need your w2s if you are verifying over the phone? Isn’t all the info on your return? I ask because I moved and now am searching for my 2015 w2s and haven’t found them yet.

                                                  I want to verify asap so requesting copies might take a while. Did they ask specific questions found on the w2? Or do they have you fax this stuff in after the call?

                                                • #4186346

                                                    I knew I already had an offset so on a lark after being able to order transcripts I figured out that; A: I’m caught up on child support for way less than I though. B: DD of 3/1.

                                                  • #4186342

                                                      Accepted 1/12, was stuck on your return is still being processed. Received 4883c I’d verify letter 2/14. Verfied 2/21. Updated 2/24 to we have received your return and it’s being processed. Account and return transcripts done with refund code 846 ddd soon!

                                                    • #4186321

                                                        Ok I have a joint return with my husband, mine changed to recieved and being processed, and his changed to still being processed. I think they’re just toying with us now. Lol

                                                      • #4186240

                                                          Mine also changed to we have received your refund and it is being processed. Was able to order transcripts by phone to be mailed today.

                                                        • #4186226

                                                            I verified on the 17th, my WMR changed to we have e received your return and is being processed.

                                                          • #4186108

                                                              I had the same WMR change this morning. Saw someone else had the change as well who ID verified

                                                            • #4186080

                                                                This morning my message updated to ‘We have received your return’ but still no bars. Think this is progress?

                                                              • #4185942

                                                                  Verified ID 2/17. Still no update for me. Still processing return. No transcript.

                                                                • #4185845

                                                                    I filed and was accepted 01/25 a few days later the wmr changed to still processing status I had to verify this year and last year I was also told by IRS rep up to 9 weeks but she said it wouldn’t take that long! Last year it only took 10 days!

                                                                  • #4185816

                                                                      I filed 1-29 and was accepted same day. I got the id verify letter on 2-13 and verified same day. It updated to a mailed out check refund date of 2-27. So there’s hope I promise!

                                                                    • #4185662

                                                                        Filed & Accepted: 1/26
                                                                        Got ‘Still Processing’ message: 2/1
                                                                        ID Verification Letter: 2/20
                                                                        Called & verified: 2/20

                                                                        I still have the processing message and a return date will be provided when available. Verified with no issue so I’m constantly checking for updates on WMR. Just gotta hurry up and wait at this point..hopefully we can get a DDD message soon!

                                                                      • #4185589

                                                                          I filed and accepted 02/01 got I’d verify letter on 2/21 still processing. Never even changed from tt152 during anytime. No date yet…

                                                                        • #4185297
                                                                          B Smith

                                                                            I had to is verify and did that on 1/30/17, still saids processing and refund says will be provided.

                                                                          • #4184957

                                                                              It won’t take 9 weeks… My sis had to id verify last year and they told her 9 weeks but she received it way before then

                                                                            • #4184853

                                                                                Because My tax return has taken over my life and all I do is read tax refund message boards now lol I saw on another site where people were saying it took anywhere from 10-14 days after they verified. Hope that helps.

                                                                              • #4184837

                                                                                  Yea same. Filed 1/30 received letter 2/16 verified on phone 2/17. Was told 9 weeks. Says still processing your refund. No other updates.

                                                                                • #4184376

                                                                                    Yeah I was told the nine weeks as well. That’s a worst case scenario. Hopefully someone who has verified and received their refund can give a better estimate.

                                                                                  • #4184320

                                                                                      Filed & Accepted: 1/27
                                                                                      Got ‘Still Processing’ message: 2/4
                                                                                      ID Verification Letter: 2/16
                                                                                      Called & verified: 2/16
                                                                                      As of today still have the ‘still processing’ message on WMR. Was told it could take up to 9 weeks.

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