ID Verify

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season ID Verify

  • This topic has 13 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by Givememymoneyback.
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  • #4517424

      Can anyone explain how long their refund took, once this process was verified and the year you had to complete it?

      Thanks so much.

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      • #4519387

          Filed 2/2/22
          Accepted 2/2/22
          My Bars disappeared 2/14/22 and I got the “still being processed message. I Verified my ID on 2/21/22. On 3/4/22 the “still being processed” message went away around 6 in the morning and I just had the “we are processing your return”. Transcripts top two updated. Today 2/5/22 bars are back, DDD 3/9/22

        • #4519384

            Filed 1/25
            Accepted an hour later
            Status changed from recievd return to it is still being processed on 2/15
            Received ID verify letter on 3/3
            Verified same day via online
            My fiance received a DDD for 3/9 this morning and he’s filing our 3 year old which he’s been doing for 3 years obviously and our daughter is 8 and I been filing her since she was born but still can’t figure out why I got chosen for IDV.
            No update on transcripts, Now it’s just a waiting game for me….

          • #4518662

              Updates anyone?

            • #4518366

                I verified on the 18th, still waiting. I’m also a weekly so I have to most likely wait until Friday. Send manifesting thoughts my way. :D

              • #4517988

                  ID verified 2/14, WMR updated today, DDD 3/2

                • #4517954

                    @Traci, same and my as if date changed again to 3/14 but I have my refund amount but it has 4/15 next to it but no DDD.

                  • #4517903

                      How do you ID Verify.

                    • #4517874

                        Thanks @Meagan

                      • #4517867

                          It took 2 weeks to get ddd after completing id verification for me

                        • #4517859

                            Its been one week for me since I verified. Hopefully I’ll have the same news as you folks soon. I’m so happy for yall, truly am! My time is coming.

                          • #4517536

                              Filed 1/24
                              Accepted 1/25
                              Had one bar until 2/7
                              Received letter in the mail on 2/14 ( ID Verify )
                              2/25 transcript updated with DD for 3/2 🙌🏽
                              So almost two weeks after I Verified my ID
                              I received a DD.

                            • #4517498

                                I ID verified on 2/14, today I have all transcripts but no DDD yet. WMR has updated from still being processed to Being processed.

                              • #4517496

                                  Look at it like filing cabinet (computer or manual), if on top, you’ll process soonest, if return happened to land on bottom, it’ll be a longer process. Unless the return at top is more complicated requiring additional information/ time, it’ll be pushed to side or even bottom of pile. In reality, every case is different, handled by a different person. Some Id over phone, refund released to arrive on given ddd, some unfortunately wait all yr, and an unfortunate few haven’t received 2019.

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