I put in my wages wrong. I know I will have to file amended return

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season I put in my wages wrong. I know I will have to file amended return

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  • #4097321

      will it get kicked out for me to redo the return. I have seen some that have went through anyways.

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      • #4097347

          As Nikki said
          wait until you receive it.
          If they catch it, they will fix it if not, then amend it.

        • #4097345

            I would not amend until I receive the return already in progress. I’ve seen that situation happen before and you could be held up anywhere from 6-12 weeks. Just make sure you save the money you owe or if you don’t owe and are due more be prepared for a wait. Just my honest opinion…

          • #4097326

              Just curious if it could possibly make it through and I get my refund??

            • #4097324

                Just curious if it could possibly make it through and I getu rwdund before I file the amendment??

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