- This topic has 7 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by .
I have dependents and got my refund before February 15th. Yep, that happens! Alright, it’s time to bust a tax myth that pops up every year about the Path Act. We’re here to set the record straight on whether you’re affected and if you will be waiting until after 2/15 for your tax refund.You CAN have dependents and NOT be impacted by it. And yes, you could also be affected by the PATH Act even if you DON’T have dependents. Think that doesn’t apply to you? Think again!It’s crucial to understand how it works. And, it’s easy. Check your 1040!Our post shows you just where to look. Let’s get the word out and make sure no one’s left scratching their heads this tax season!
See our cheat sheet, the key is looking at lines 19, 27 & 28 of your 1040.
Check this post to see if you are subject to the Path Act: What credits are subject to Path Act?