I didn't know about a 1098-T….

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season I didn't know about a 1098-T….

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #4102015

      So, my employer paid for me to take a 10 week class for my new job position. It was online.

      I filed my taxes on 1/28 form 1040 EZ with EIC and Child Tax Credits. I don’t have any deductions or any other special items with my taxes. Or so I thought.

      I received a 1098-T from the online school. All it says on it is $600 was billed for qualified tuition and related expenses in box 2.

      I didn’t claim any credits or deductions for this. I didn’t know I was getting anything like this as I’ve done online training for other positions in the past and never got anything like this. I didn’t pay anything, I don’t expect anything in return. All I did was take the course.

      Do I need to amend my return? Or can I just leave my return the way it is?

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      • #4102022

          Excuse my typos I am exhausted lol apparently my brain doesn’t know the difference between on and one :-P

        • #4102021

            I have seen people leave it off before if they were not interested in claiming any credit for it and no have issues. Of course you could be audited later one, I’m sure it is a slim chance especially since they could potentially owe your rather than you owe them. But ultimately it is up to you. The best thing to do is to amend your return to be safe, but I have done research before and there is nothing that requires you to file your 1098-T as it is just for credit purposes. Now if it was some type of wage then yes I would definitely amend it. If it was me, I wouldn’t sweat it. But others may say different.

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