i can order transcripts from IRS2GO but….

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season i can order transcripts from IRS2GO but….

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Jay.
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  • #4100559
    mom of 02

      I can order my transcripts from the irs2go app, but when I try on the irs website, it keeps saying “technical problems”. Anyone else have this? Unfortunately when ordering through the app, it says they will mail me the transcripts so I can’t view them.

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      • #4100908

          Yeah the IRS updated their iOS app and now the option to order transcripts for iPhone/iPad users is no longer there…

        • #4100881

            How can you order transcripts from the app. I don’t even have that option. Only an option to check wmr.

          • #4100572
            mom of 02

              I filed and was accepted the 28th. I can’t even try to verify my identity on the website. Just goes right to the technical problems after the page where I try to sign up. I don’t know if being able to order on the app means anything.

            • #4100565

                Same here. Filed with TT on 1/29, was accepted within 2 hours on 1/29, still only one bar on WMR and no trans for 2014 online, clicked on last years and is popping up an error code, BUT was able to order the 2014 ones via irs2go but they are to be mailed. Id like to know whats going on too!

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