H&R block DD 2/22

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season H&R block DD 2/22

  • This topic has 24 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by Cm.
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  • #4536427

      Well I did it again. I had fees taken out with funds going to my emerald card. So now the waiting game begins. Tried to lookup my info on SBTG can’t find me yet. 😞 DDD 2/22

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      • #4538906

          Where state taxes

        • #4538905

            Hello I got my refund on 23rd finally but that was my federal my state saying I just get accepted the 20 of feb when I filed the 17th of January who pending the state I’m so frustrated it’s crap my daughter filed two weeks later and got all her money from turbo tax

          • #4538904

              Hello I got my refund on 23rd finally but that was my federal my state saying I just get accepted the 20 of feb when I filed the 17th of January who pending the state I’m so frustrated it’s crap my daughter filed two weeks later and got all her money from turbo tax

            • #4537706
              Got it at 6 pm man time

                I just recieved emarald card tax deposit my og date was 22 febuary 2024 but I recieved 21 febuary 2024 at 6 pm good luck all other emerald card holders

              • #4537705
                Pissed of h and r block

                  I just reci3ved emarald card tax deposit my og date was 22 febuary 2024

                • #4537704
                  Pissed of h and r block

                    I just reci3ved emarald card tax deposit my og date was 22 febuary 2024

                  • #4537180

                      @jordansteward56 if you immediately ask for an agent a couple times it will transfer you. That rep was no help though she even said my refund was scheduled for March 2nd lol

                    • #4537167


                        I never got ahold of anyone. It tells me it was sent to my card, asks me if I received it, and if I say no it just puts me on hold for like 5 minutes then ends the call. This is my first year using HRB myself, and it will be my last.

                      • #4537123

                          @pandapants yup. And at this point I think our $500 filing fee should be refunded. It’s pretty ridiculous. I was going to call and ask to speak to a supervisor myself but I see that didn’t help you either. There has to be a way to get them to release our funds.

                        • #4537108

                            What I don’t get is, HRB tells me that emerald has recieved the funds on the 16th, then why do we have to wait till the 22nd if they already have the money? When I finally got in the phone with a supervisor she said “I’m not even going to lie to you! We were told to tell everyone that it was a glitch and that the 22nd is when funds will be issued”. So emerald is holding onto our money but they already got paid?! Like how does that even make sense! Sorry rant over.

                          • #4537071

                              @BevvyKins what did they tell you if don’t mind me asking mine says the same but says it will be deposited 2/22 on the the other 800 number i didnt speak to a representative

                            • #4536786
                              Rona K

                                HRblock advance with fees taken out. I decided to get my funds loaded on my Emerald card this idk why but called the 800 number for the emerald card and it has received the funds but gave me a DD date of 2/22! I hope it’s sooner but reading the comments I’m skeptical lol Should’ve had them loaded to my bank! But on a good note…. This week! Better sooner than later si🙏👍

                              • #4536722

                                  @MamaK ya I doubt it. It did say my funds will be loaded to my card. Then it changed to 2/22 so I’m sure we will see it that day or possibly 21st. But would be nice if it came today. Just my experience in the past with having fees taken out that the 3rd party banks hold the funds as long as possible.

                                • #4536718

                                    Emerald card telling me tax year complete and funds will be loaded on 2/22/2024😑 don’t we suppose to get it early

                                  • #4536715

                                      I’m on hold with hr block now because their phone automated system says it was sent to my emerald card yesterday, with the right amount after fees, but there’s nothing on my card.

                                    • #4536712


                                        Mine now says what yours does, that the funds should be loaded onto my emerald card and my tax season is now complete (paraphrasing). So maybe we’ll get lucky and have it later today, but I’m not holding my breath.

                                      • #4536690

                                          @momz well you are one of the rare ones. I woke up expecting the $ to be loaded and of course the automated message changed to 2/22 😵‍💫

                                        • #4536686

                                            Yes I had fees taken out of refund

                                          • #4536669

                                              @momz did you have fees taken out?

                                            • #4536667

                                                I got my refund!! Using Spruce

                                              • #4536666

                                                  Check your emerald cards. When I called it said my funds should be loaded to my account. And that my 2023 tax preparation services is complete. So I’m assuming we should start seeing deposits anytime!

                                                • #4536629

                                                    @BevvyKins my past experiences with them they used SBTG but I think you are right. I did try and call pathward the system didn’t find my SS# either but it does seem like you can check with them

                                                  • #4536500

                                                      I didn’t think HRB processed thru SBTPG. I thought they went thru Pathward and there wasn’t a way to check.

                                                    • #4536454

                                                        From my experience. SBTG does not release your funds until the DDD. They are the worst. Every year I say I’m going to pay fees up front but never do.

                                                      • #4536442

                                                          I found my account on sbtpg, but have not been funded yet. Not sure if that will delay me, as I am banking with chime, and they claim to send funds 6 days early. We shall see.

                                                        • #4536438

                                                            Does this delay your return if you had fees taken out

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