H&R Block

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season H&R Block

  • This topic has 30 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by James Haggai.
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  • #4096538

      So sbbt has my money but I have the Emerald Card. Do anyone know how fast they get it and release it to your account. I just called and they have no record. I know it’s early so i will try later.

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      • #4111428
        James Haggai

          where is my refund shows that my refund has been sent but am yet to see my refund deposited in my bank. I checked with my bank but my fund is yet to reflect…Please i need an information on what is to be done… Thank you.

        • #4110990
          Christopher baker

            What is hr block bank number my refund was sent back to hr block bank

          • #4109651

              Filed on the 7/2/15 nothing still has anyone had this issue not even the where’s my refund tells me when i will receive my refund

            • #4107767

                I file my income tax return on February 3 2015 but they made a mistake on my daughter last 4number and this year I choice to put it on the emerald card. How long does it take from the day of which the IRS accepted it on February 9

              • #4102570

                  @Danielle anytime really HRblock normally deposits the day they receive it. I have seen them in the morning and in the evening so just hang in there its coming :P

                • #4102566

                    So my refund has been sent to the h&r bank. Was sent 2/4 and is still pending. Any ideas on when I should get it??

                  • #4097402

                      Deposits are in. Yay!

                    • #4097207

                        thank you!

                      • #4097202

                          H&R Block uses their own bank, not SBBT.

                        • #4097189

                            so i went to sbbt to see if they had my money and the website says its not found O.o I was accepted and given a DDD of the 30th…I assumed originally that HRB used its own bank to remove the funds prior to loading the emerald cards but with others saying they have seen sbbt with there money now im worried….anyone able to confirm that hrb does use sbbt?

                          • #4097124

                              The fees are filing fees. I paid extra to have all of my information imported from the previous years return. HRB offers to take the fee out of your refund but you have to pay a little extra.

                            • #4097033

                                I keep reading these posts and see “fees”, what is that all about?

                              • #4097031

                                  yes and my account number for my emerald card is too long.

                                • #4097030

                                    @straysoul It is not the emerald card number that is the account number you need. On your tax papers there is an account number and routing number. The account number is on line 48d.

                                  • #4096993

                                      I got my refund!!! Filed 1/23 accepted same day. DDD 1/30. Filed with HRB, had fees taken out and deposit was made to my credit union at 3:00 today. Good luck guys!

                                    • #4096984

                                        well obviously a emerald card account number is too long

                                      • #4096940

                                          The number is an automated system that will tell you if HR Block bank has the money. The only way that anyone came on the line for me was when I pressed 0. So for those of you who just want to make sure that the money is with HR Block bank call the number and follow the directions (press 4 then 1, enter account number and last 4 of social. It will tell you ur account balance and then give options. Press 4 to hear deposits. It will say that there is a preauthorized deposit if HR Block Bank has received your funds. It worked for me. After hearing that there were funds pending I then pressed 0 and spoke with a lady that verified that they had received funds and that they are pending. She said that HR has already taken the money that was owed to them out of my account so like I said fingers crossed money will be there tonight or in the morning.

                                        • #4096906

                                            In regards to calling that 1-866 number don’t waste your time calling it if you want to know about any pending deposits. I was transferred to another department which handles all federal returns and unfortunately it does no good to speak with them when they don’t have access to your emerald card account to see if you have any pending deposits you’ll just be transferred back to the emerald card dept…and then they will tell you, you will have to speak to someone in the federal return dept and it just becomes a frustrating revolving door! I ended up hanging up on the foreigner that I was speaking to because she wasn’t being direct all she had to do was explain what @jgardener just explained to everybody . Anyway I just hope and pray my money is in there tomorrow.

                                          • #4096891

                                              Ok if you call 1888-687-4722 and choose option 3 and then 1 you will need the account number found on tax forms from HR Block on line 48d. Enter the account number and press pound. You will be asked for your personal identification number (last four of my social is what I entered). It will then tell u ur balance and then list options. Choose option 4 for deposits and it will say that you have a preauthorized deposit for the amount of your refund if they have received it. Mine was received yesterday.

                                              I than choose 0 to speak to a representative and she pretty much gave me a run around about 3-5 from the preautherize day. I asked if it was possible to get my money tomorrow and she said yes (ok well thats not 3 days but ok) I then asked if they had taken their fees out and she said yes. So they already took their money but they are still holding mine (huh). When I said that she said that she would think that my money would be released sometime today or tomorrow morning. These people are instructed to tell us certain things to cover their butts. Fingers crossed we all get our money by tomorrow.

                                            • #4096877

                                                @Nikki Where did you get that H&R Block number? The customer service number I’ve always used for the past 9 years is 1(866)353-1266.
                                                As far as I know with the emerald card they can not see pending deposits they can only see it once it posts. And they do not hold funds from the IRS. When H&R Block Bank receives your refund they make it available to you on your card right away. Im just wondering where that number came from because I have never been able to get info able pending deposits and I would like to be able to I am just a cautious about entering my account number and/or social security number into just any website or phone line. thanks for your help.

                                              • #4096863

                                                  @nikki Can you tell us where to find the account number on the tax forms? I have looked through mine and did not see one. I also tried using the DDA number associated with my account from the HR Block website and that did not work. Thanks in advance

                                                • #4096861

                                                    My WMR says ddd is 1/30 and I too called H&R cust service today only to be told by the 13th. Unfortunately, I don’t think they can actually see what’s going on with your refund, so they’re giving a date of 3 wks out. Hopefully all goes well and it hits tmrw. :)

                                                  • #4096851


                                                      They tell you that because they are told to. But it should be on your card tonight, tomorrow or over the weekend. Don’t pay them no mind. They tried telling me i wouldn’t be approved yet but sbbt has my money and it was not suppose to be there until tomorrow.

                                                    • #4096848

                                                        You have to call 1888-687-4722 and select option 3 enter your account number that’s on your tax forms

                                                      • #4096840

                                                          Nikki.. How can I tell if mine has posted to H&R Blocks bank?

                                                        • #4096838

                                                            @nikki–how can I see deposit in HR Block bank? Where do you go to see that?

                                                          • #4096830

                                                              My refund is posted in h&r block bank so how long before I have access to it…fees haven’t been taken out as of yet

                                                            • #4096757

                                                                My husband just called H&R Block Emerald Card customer service to see if there is a pending deposit for our refund. WMR says we are approved to the money will be deposited by Jan 30th.. Well the people at H&R Block told him it could be all the way up to the 12th before it posts but should be sooner.. Ummm I thought the Emerald Card was supposed to be fast!??

                                                              • #4096585

                                                                  Ussually mine is deposited to there account fees taken out then sent to my account . this year i filed online and instead of having there deposit info on my return it only has mine and where the fees ussually go there is none. My receipt shows my fees though

                                                                • #4096573

                                                                    I know that with the emerald card as soon as they receive your deposit they release it. They do not hold it. I just spoke to their customer service they said the IRS deposits throughout the day and as soon as they send it to them it is made available to you on your card. I did not have fees taken out of mine so I believe mine is being deposited directly from the IRS.

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