How long til DDD after ID Verify?

Home Forums General Discussion 2024 Tax Season How long til DDD after ID Verify?

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  • #4539160

      Hi Guys!

      I was wondering if anyone who has ID verified have seen any movement yet?

      Filed and accepted 2-1-24, ACTC and EITC, 3 dependents, 1 W2

      Checked for update on 2-17. Nothing. N/A on transcript and no return on file. ID me said I needed to verify return. No notices or letters sent. WMR said received and processing.

      My As of Date was 2-26, so I called back. They hadn’t even started to process my return because I hadn’t verified I filed one. Supposedly letter sent on 2-12.

      I never got the letter, I verified in person on the 26th. Told it could take 9 weeks, but probably sooner.

      Still impatiently waiting…

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      • #4539306

          I have a date!! 3/20! Prayers for all of you to get yours as well! Transcripts only wmr didn’t update yet.

          Filed 1/22
          Accepted 1/23
          Verify id notice mailed 2/13
          Received 3/4 verified same day as received

        • #4539245

            I called 3 different people at the IRS to find out what’s going on… the letter is a glitch and I don’t have to do anything. The hold on my return has been lifted as of 2-28, and they didn’t see anything wrong with my return… so my correct and verified return is just sitting in IRS Purgatory awaiting the 846 Fairy to stumble randomly upon it… sending it on its way to my bank account 😏

            I’m supposed to call on April 30th if I haven’t heard anything 🤯

          • #4539244

              Just an (unexciting) update.

              I got a 5071C letter today (not the one I was supposed to get in February, but never got)

              This one is dated March 6th, telling me I need to verify (I already did in person on the 27th)

              (To long, have to do 2 posts) continued

            • #4539165

       verify 3/9 (verified right then)
                -Transcript (under me, not wife’s) shows 2023 but no return filed – seen others say this too.

              • #4539163

                  -Spoke to IRS agent on phone on 3/8 and he states he could see where the in person agent released our return for processing on 2/28 and that everything looked good
         verify 3/9 (verified right then)
                  -Transcript (under me, not wife’s) shows 2023 but no return filed – seen others say this too.

                • #4539170

                    Got my letter this past Monday (3/4) and verified. Someone who verified a week before me got their DDD yesterday for next week. So I’m hoping two cycles is all is takes for me too. Filed 1/22
                    Accepted 1/23
                    Letter mailed 2/13
                    Letter received 3/4
                    Verified online 3/4

                  • #4539169

                      At least yall been told something. I’ve been waiting since 1/29 called last week and they said they don’t see nothing to just wait! Transcripts still say n/a at the top to bottom 2 show 2023 but say no return filed.

                    • #4539168

                        I’m hoping we see some movement on transcripts Tuesday or Thursday!

                      • #4539164

                          -Spoke to IRS agent on phone on 3/8 and he states he could see where the in person agent released our return for processing on 2/28 and that everything looked good

                        • #4539162

                            Filed 2/1
-Accepted 2/1
-Married Filing Jointly with 6 children (as we’ve always had)
                            -In person ID verify on 2/28 two hours away from our home

                          • #4539161

                              Exactly the same situation here

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