how long does it take to get a update on my taxes after submitting paperwork irs

Home Forums General Discussion 2022 Tax Season how long does it take to get a update on my taxes after submitting paperwork irs

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  • #4519006

      Not sure if anyone else has gone through this but if so what was the outcome… I done my taxes on the 30th January and was accepted on the 1st February..I was able to see transcripts very quickly after that..I had codes 424, 810 and 971 now I have codes 420,810 and 971 for about 2 1/2 weeks. I did receive the letter cp75 to proove my children and hoh and faxed all information needed the same night which was a week and a half ago. I’ve been claiming my children and hoh for a few years now without a problem. My question is how long will it take for an update or some movement. Thanks in advance

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      • #4522337

          Denise, did you get a letter in mail that they received your paperwork for audit? I got a letter and it said it will be reviewed by August. As for interest, they pay you it but it isn’t much – my audit two years ago held over 8k and only got like a $30 interest for it.

        • #4522256

            Well as of yesterday 4/16/2022 it showed that I don’t owe it’s at 0.00 so hoping they hurry up and change codes to release refund…how does the interest work that they pay you or will I even get interest paid to me?

          • #4522053

              What’s the number you faxed to

            • #4521924

                I’m in the same boat..code 420 faxed in papers to prove my dependents..hopefully it happen sometime this year lol

              • #4519195

                  When I had an audit 2 years ago it took exactly 90 days. I sent in the required info last week of February as well, would be nice if it’s 6 weeks.. 🙏🏻

                • #4519015

                    Thank you

                    Up to 6 was. I just had to resubmit last and talked with a tax advocate this morning. He said he surprised how quick they processed my paperwork but that from that date it might be a minute before they finish.[/quote

                  • #4519008

                      6 weeks*

                    • #4519007

                        Up to 6 was. I just had to resubmit last and talked with a tax advocate this morning. He said he surprised how quick they processed my paperwork but that from that date it might be a minute before they finish.

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