How do you know if you are on weekly cycle??

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season How do you know if you are on weekly cycle??

  • This topic has 8 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by HollyB.
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  • #4101585

      Hey everyone, this is my first year filing so I really have no idea how any of this works.

      How do you know if you are on a weekly cycle? People that filed the same day as me (29th) and even after just woke up with a DDD of 2/6. Yet I still can’t few transcripts. I heard people saying I could be weekly and should update sometime between tonight and Friday?

      My return is very basic, 1040ez, and my return is small, under 1k so I figured that it wouldn’t take as long to process mine?

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      • #4101903

          Can you explain more about this and where exactly I would find this number? I only see my cycle date of 20150405 which means todays DDD 2/4/15. My WMR also gives me 2/4/15 for DDD and I have no deposit. I do have an offset but it doesn’t show on my transcript, I have 846 refund sent. That’s another question, when would my transcript update and show an offset?

        • #4101660


            It’s longer than 6 digits. It is a pretty long number, but in the middle you will see 2015, the 2 digits that follow determine your processing cycle. If it is 01, 02, 03 then you are int the dead cycle and won’t be processed maybe tomorrow-Sunday.

          • #4101657


              They don’t really have a definition of what a dead cycle is on the IRS website. I read through a ton of that lovely fine print to get my information, but basically it seems like you get that code based on a number of reasons (system error, busy submission time, etc.) Sorry I don’t have more answers for that, but I like to know how you end up with it as well.

            • #4101655

                I also filed with TT and cannot find a confirmation number with anything resembling the 6 digit code. Any chance you can explain to me where to find the code? Please and thank you!!!!

              • #4101639

                  Actually my earlier post was meant for mstorilivsand. Sorry for confusion.

                  I am locked out of my transcripts, but looking at the submission/confirmation number from where my return was accepted, i have 201502 in the middle of a bunch of other numbers. I filed and was accepted on 01/29. What is a dead cycle and how do we end up there?

                  Thanks so much for any info

                • #4101633

                    Hi Mo,

                    I am locked out of my transcripts, but looking at the submission/confirmation number from where my return was accepted, i have 201502 in the middle of a bunch of other numbers. I filed and was accepted on 01/29. What is a dead cycle and how do we end up there?

                    Thanks so much for any info.

                  • #4101605

                      I don’t have previous transcripts since this is my first year filing.

                      I filed with Turbotax, do you know where I can find this confirmation code??

                    • #4101593


                        Take a look at your past year’s transcripts. If your cycle date end in the same number each time (mine and a lot of other weeklies end in 05) then most likely you are on weekly review. But if not, look at your submission/confirmation code from the company you filed with and it should have a code similar (mine is 201502) if it is (201501, 201502, or 201503) then you are in a dead cycle and will be processed until after 201504 (ends today) so it is possible you may see updates between tomorrow and Sunday.

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