HnR Block, DDD 2/4 on WMR

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season HnR Block, DDD 2/4 on WMR

  • This topic has 10 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by stranger.
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  • #4099815

      I have a DDD of 2/4 on WMR, filed at an HnR office, delayed fees till return. Will HnR deposit my refund immediately on 2/4? Or is there a chance ill have to wait on it??

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      • #4101651

          We have used hrblock for years and they always post to the account the same day they get it. Sometimes its in the morning sometimes in the late afternoon even at night sometimes, but always the day they get it.

        • #4100805
          Jonny dollar


            I went through H&R block and had fees taken from my refund this year. My DDD is 2/4. I just spoke with my bank and the rep told me it will be in my account at 6am. So yes they are releasing asap. Btw I bank with Fifth third bank. I live in Louisville Ky. Hope this helps.

          • #4100786

              From reading on a few other threads according to one user his local HRB office told him HRB would release same day as they received. So lets hope that stays true. I also called today trying to find out info and got generic answers such as 3 to 5 business days max for deposit after HRB receives it and to also check the “MyBlock” tab on the account you used to file your taxes. Apparently they do not have similar access like TT/SBBT does (which would be nice). But I am holding on to the idea that it will be there tomorrow :)

            • #4100708

                @shan: Good question! Because apparently H&R Block Customer Service employees cannot answer it. I’ve spoke with a few different employees today and they’re unable to determine if their bank has received your refund in order to pay the fees or not. If anyone finds out how to determine this, I’m very interested in knowing.

              • #4100699

                  hey where can i find out if H&R BLOCK HAS GOTTEN MY REFUND AND HAS TAKEN THEIR FEES OUT YET

                • #4100277

                    Thats great im waiting on h&r block to ddd 2/4

                  • #4099863

                      Will update you tomorrow

                    • #4099861

                        my dd is tomorrow 2/3 they received my funds friday 1/31 and are releasing them 2/3

                      • #4099846

                          Thanks Johnny! Sounds good.

                        • #4099832
                          Jonny dollar

                            HelloJ T

                            In my experience they have the funds posted to your account that day. They should be getting the funds from the irs tonight.

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