Here We Go…..

Home Forums General Discussion 2015 Tax Season Here We Go…..

  • This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Gail.
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  • #4092689

      Hi Guys! Back again. Ok, this is ludicrous! I filed 10 MINUTES AGO – where the heck is my money?! Just kidding, lol. I was only able to file just now because I had to wait for my schedule c to be ready. Official start date is the 20th, anyone heard anything about early birds yet?

      Also just once I’ll go off topic and mention this to let y’all know :-( – this is my third year here; last year, I was on here until the 20th. On the 26th, my 6 year old passed away. The 1 year anniversary of it is coming up :-( This is reminding me of having him with me this time last year, while I was on here stressing. Sorry, off topic, I just couldn’t help it, I had to say something. I miss him terribly. :-(

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      • #4093116

          Oh no I am so sorry to hear of your little one. I have a son that passed away, he was almost 2. What happened?

        • #4093112

            I am so sorry for your your lost. I can only imagine how hard that must. Again so sorry for your loss.

          • #4092768

              Thanks everyone. Yes, it’s a whole different kind of world now, you know.

              I just got accepted. It says they won’t process refunds until the 20th though. This a standard policy, or the truth or anyone know?

            • #4092700

                Holding you up in prayer Aspis, I could only imagine the struggle you face daily…I’m deeply sorry for your loss, praying for comfort..Take care and good luck this tax season :-)

              • #4092699

                  Im very sorry for your loss. I also filled yesterday with TT and am now stalking them to know if I’ve got an update.

                • #4092698

                    I am so sorry for your loss.

                  • #4092697

                      So sorry for your loss!!

                      I also filed yesterday about 5:45 pm. I hope I am in the test batch like I was last year.

                    • #4092693

                        So sorry for your loss. I am sure you do miss him terribly :(

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